Chapter 8: Fake Acceptance.

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They spent a couple of hours just hanging out in silence by the beautiful water garden. Surprisingly Taryn's father or the guards never did find them.

"They probably don't know we even have gardens," Thorin said after Taryn mentioned them not being caught.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't. It is not like my father would spend time learning about another kingdom. He doesn't even like to go to Rivendell or Lothlórien." Taryn added.

"When we go visit my grandparents in Lothlórien or uncle in Rivendell he always stays in Mirkwood. Only my mother, myself, my twin sister and sometimes Legolas will go." Taryn said as she continued to talk about her father.

Thorin just nodded his head as she talked. "It is beginning to get late. We better head back before my father sends guards looking for me when I don't show up for dinner," Thorin said and laughed.

Taryn nodded her head as she stood up from the bench. Thorin stood up and took her hand into his own. He held her as they walked back into the mountain.

Just as they entered the mountain Dís and Frerin came running up to them. The young dwarf princess smiled at Taryn as she noticed her.

"Where have you two been?" Dís asked them both.

"I showed Taryn the gardens," Thorin said to his little sister.

"And you didn't invite us brother? You know how much I love our gardens," she said to him and made a pout face.

Taryn couldn't help but think how cute Dís looked when she made a pout face.

"You can come with us next time," Taryn said to Dís.

That made Dís smile, "oh good. Are you going to join us for dinner tonight Taryn?"

Taryn nodded her head to Thorin's sister, "I will if my father lets me."

"Oh I already saw your father with our grandfather. They were talking in his study. Maybe he is joining us for dinner tonight also," Dís said to Taryn.

Their brother Frerin just rolled his eyes at his little sister, "sister you need to stop spying on grandfather. You know he does not like when you do that." He said to the dwarf princess.

Dís made a face like she was angry at her older brother, "I wasn't spying on him. I was just walking by and saw them together." She said as she crossed her arms over in a mad manner.

"Did you ditch your tutor again?" Thorin asked her.

"No of course not. I used the bathroom and just never went back," she said with a big smile.

"Oh I think I like you," Taryn said with a smile as she grabbed the dwarf's hand as they walked to the dinning hall.

"I ditched my guards today," Taryn said in a whisper to Dís which made Dís giggle.
Thranduil's POV:

Thranduil was upset with his guards for not being able to find his daughter. He didn't understand how four grown elves could not find her or the dwarf Prince. But he tried to hide how annoyed he was as he went to dinner with the King and his family

Of course he wasn't surprised to see his daughter walk into the dinning hall. He would have to get the chance to talk to her after dinner. He didn't care how old she was, that was not the way to act.

Last time they had dinner with the King and his family, his daughter had sat by him. This time she was sitting by Thorin and Thorin's younger sister. There was something different about his daughter's appearance, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

The Gathering Storm. The Hobbit fanfic. A Thorin Oakenshield love story.Where stories live. Discover now