Chapter 22: Hurting.

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Once back in Mirkwood Taryn was put under house arrest. For disobeying her father's orders, running away to Erebor, and for accepting Thorin's proposal without her father's blessing. Other then her room she was only allowed to go to the dinning hall, library, and the healing room to work. But she was not allowed to go even to those locations by herself. She had two guards with her at all times to make sure she did not run away again. When she was in her room her two guards would be stationed outside her bed chamber's door.

She was never allowed to be truly alone. On days that she obeyed, she was allowed to go to the training room to practice her archery and sword skills and allowed to go the gardens. But most days she did not obey and still tried to run off or got into heated fights with her father.

In her father's eyes she was a disappointment and an embarrassment. Thranduil wished she could be more like her brother Legolas who obeyed their father. But he especially wished she would be more like her identical twin sister Vanya.

Vanya was the apple of Thranduil's eye and pretty much just like him. Where Taryn was more like their mother. Taryn was a rebel, wild child, and free spirt just like her mother in a lot of ways. Vanya disliked dwarves just like her father and obeyed his every word. She was also betrothed to a high up noble elf from a far away Elven kingdom.
It had been a month since Smaug had attacked Erebor and since Taryn was back to living in Mirkwood. Life was back to how it was before meeting Thorin, although she was still under house arrest and not allowed to be alone. She would spend most of her time in her room, the library, the healing room, and the garden when her father permitted it. She would also get to go to the training field/room when she obeyed and had good days. But most days were not good days.

Taryn was still angry with her father for not helping when Smaug attacked. She would never forgive him for sitting there on that hill and doing nothing. She hated him for forcing her to return to Mirkwood and for not letting her go find Thorin.

Today was one of those bad days. It had started out okay but had went south from okay. Now she was in a heated argument with her father. Taryn was very stubborn and did not like to back down from a fight.

"You belong here in Mirkwood it is your home Táriel," her father Thranduil yelled at her.

"No I belong with Thorin where ever he is. I know he is still alive," she yelled back at him.

Thranduil glared down at his daughter from his throne. He hated whenever Taryn mentioned that she belonged with that damn dwarf. Of course Taryn's mother, identical twin sister, and older brother just sat in the corner watching their fight. None of them dared saying a word to either of them. Taryn was more like her mother in most ways, but she got her stubbornness from her father.

"You don't know where he is Táriel. I won't have you out in the wild searching all of middle-earth," Thrandul growled at his daughter.

"I would know where he is if you didn't have your guard members force me back to Mirkwood. I could have found him before he left the mountain." Taryn yelled.

"I had them save you. You were being reckless by running back into that mountain. That dragon could have killed you." He yelled back.

Taryn glared at him as he mentioned the dragon and how she was reckless. She was trying her best to help them and save as many dwarves as she could. Unlike him who did nothing but ordered his men to save Taryn.

"At least I tried to help them, you didn't even try to help Thorin and his people. I saw you on the hill with your guard members. You just sat there on your elk watching dwarves and men die and you did nothing. You did nothing, you didn't help save anyone, and you didn't offer them food or shelter." Taryn said as she felt tear form in her eyes.

As she yelled at her father she could feel the cold tears run down her cheeks. Taryn's mother Queen Vanadessë sighed as she saw her daughter begin to cry. She quickly stood up from her seat and walked over to her. She wrapped her long slender arms around her daughter's small body and pulled her into a hug. Taryn laid her head on her mother as she began to uncontrollable cry out.

"Thranduil meleth nîn, can't we at least try and find them? Offer them food and shelter? Can't you see how your iell is hurting?" The Queen asked her husband.
("My love" & "daughter" in Sindarin.)

Thranduil sighed as he looked down at his wife. He didn't like to see his daughter hurting, even his daughter didn't believe him he really did love her.

"My wife it has been a month since the dragon attacked. We have no clue where they are and they could be far away by now. Even if we could find them, what makes you think they will accept our help? Dwarves are a very proud race and do not like to ask for help from others. They also would be mad for us not offering help right after the attack." He said to his wife.

"I am sorry that I did not help them Táriel, but when I saw it was a dragon I was not about to risk the lives of our kin. We had no way of killing a dragon and it most likely would have killed us all," he said to Taryn but she did not look up at him.

Taryn just continued to uncontrollably cry onto her mother. She did not believe that was the reason that her father did not help that day. As Taryn continued to cry her mother just helped her leave the throne room. Vanadessë escorted her daughter from the throne room and back to Taryn's bed chambers. Then she had Taryn lie down on her bed.

"Try and rest iellig," Vanadessë said to her daughter.
(My daughter in Sindarin).

Taryn just let out a big sigh as she rolled over and tightly hugged her pillow. She was facing away from her mother towards her window. She could feel as her mother began to run her long fingers through her long white blonde hair. Soon Taryn drifted off to her Elven sleep like state.
That is the end of chapter 22. I hope you all enjoyed it. Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting. Please continue doing all three. I will start writing the next chapters tomorrow.

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