Chapter 26: Preparing for an Adventure.

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The photo is of Taryn's weapons and jewelry. I didn't add her silver betrothal ring, since I made this awhile ago. And I already posted that once. I will also post a photo of her brooch at some point.

The first thing Taryn did once Gandalf left was go to her room to pack. She knew her uncle would not be happy about her leaving to go on a quest, but she had to go. She didn't blame her uncle for not wanting her to leave Rivendell again. He was just trying to protect her and keep her out of dangerous situations.

You see once she was trained enough to be skilled with her bow, twin swords, and elven powers. Taryn would travel all of Middle Earth for many years trying to find Thorin. During these trips or adventures she would kill any orcs she came upon. To get revenge for her mother's death. It was easy to hunt, stalk, and sneak up on big loud orcs. She soon got the nickname of Warrior Princess from many people in middle earth. Or Mahtar Aranel in the old elvish language of Quenya.

But it was useless trips (other then killing many orcs and saving people) because she never found Thorin or any dwarf she knew. Of course she met many dwarves on her trips, even saved a couple. But none of them would give her any info on if Thorin was alive and if he was where he was. Most of them would not talk to her because she was an elf.

Finally after going on many solo trips and getting herself into bad situations. Her uncle requested that if she was to continue these trips she must take a group of Rivendell guards with her. Her group of guards and herself saved many towns of the race of men. She even made some new friends, but she never found Thorin.

Then on one trip she arrived to late to a town that was under attack by many orcs. A friend she had made on past trips, a very sweet young woman was killed, and it made her feel as guilty as the day her mother died. There were too many orcs for even her guards and herself to held. Which caused most of her guards to be killed and for Taryn to be injured and close to death. That was when Gandalf came and saved her life. It was after that day that she gave up hope that Thorin was still alive and stopped looking for him. So since then she owed Gandalf a favor for helping her that day. So you see she just had to go on this quest, even if it was dangerous.
Once Taryn got to her room she pulled out a few of empty travel packs and laid them on her bed. In the first pack she packed a few pairs of trousers, a few tunics, a few dresses (that had a spilt up to her thigh to easily move), underclothes, a night gown, and a few pairs of socks.

Then in the same pack she packed a new journal, new sketchbook, some pencils, and a extra copy of her favorite fairytale (just in case she lost any of her stuff. She wouldn't lose anything special). She would leave in her room in Rivendell (to keep them safe) her favorite dresses including the old ones from Thorin, old letters from Thorin, old sketches she had drawn, her favorite books including ones she saved from Erebor, her small harp, and anything else that she would not need on a quest.

In the next empty travel pack she packed her body scrub, Elven shampoo, Elven conditioner, smell good spray, pads (for her monthly lady curse), her brush, comb, hair pins, hair ties, a hand mirror, and the locket and bag Thorin had given her to keep her courting & betrothal beads in (yes she still wore her beads). The actual beads were still in her hair.

She then packed her healing supplies: Herbs and medicines, healing creams, home remedies, athelas, and anything else she may need just in case something happened along the way.
(athelas is Sindarin for Kingsfoil.)

Taryn then laid out the clothes she would change into before she left for Hobbiton her bed: a pair of trousers, a undershirt, a blue travel dress, her tall riding brown boots, socks, and her blue cloak. She then laid out her weapons (daggers, twin swords, bow, arrows, and her quiver) next to her clothes.

Lastly Taryn grabbed two blankets, a bath towel & washcloth, and her bedroll and laid them on the bed. After grabbing her last empty pack Taryn then left her room and went down to the kitchen. She packed it with vegetarian type foods that would last and a few water skins after she filled them (whatever they are called).

Taryn then made her way back to her bed chamber and changed into the clothes and riding boots that she had laid out on her bed. She then put on all of her jewelry; including the ring her uncle gave her for her 2,650th conception day (elves don't celebrate birthdays), the ring from her parents, her mother's betrothal ring, and the silver Elven betrothal ring from Thorin. On her neck she put on her crescent moon necklace from her parent's and the silver necklace from Thorin which she put her gold emerald Dwarven betrothal ring from Thorin on. Last she put on her Elven princess crown (that she still wore even though she was exiled).

Before she left she had to go find her uncle and let him know that she was leaving Rivendell for a unknown period of time. She would put on her cloak and weapons after she talked with her uncle.

Once she was all packed and changed she made her way down the halls of Rivendell until she arrived at her uncle's study. Once there she lightly knocked on the door and then entered the study when her uncle said enter.

"He wants you to go somewhere for him doesn't he?" Her uncle asked as Taryn walked into the study. She didn't even have to say anything yet, her uncle already knew she was leaving.

"Yes he has a quest that he is going on and he asked me to join him uncle," Taryn said to her uncle without mentioning dwarves were involved.

"And I am guess you are going to go on this quest, my niece?" He asked her.

"Yes uncle I must. I owe him a favor after all you know." She said to her uncle slowly.

Her uncle Lord Elrond let out a long sigh. He did not want his niece to get herself into a dangerous situation again. But he would not stop her from going with Gandalf. He knew she had to honor his request.

"Just be careful Taryn. You know I think of you as my own daughter even though you are my niece. And your room will be waiting for you when you return." He said to her with a small smile.

"Thank you uncle, I much appreciate it. I don't know when I will return, but I will return uncle. I am leaving all of my stuff that I won't need on a quest in my room," she said to her uncle.

Her uncle slowly nodded his head in agreement, "don't worry your items and clothes will be safe in your room Taryn. I will miss you my niece." He said to her as he stood up from his desk.

"I will miss you too uncle. I must leave tonight to arrive in Hobbiton of The Shire in time," she said to her uncle as he walked over to her.

Her uncle nodded his head and pulled her in for a real hug. It was a hug that the race of men or dwarves would give one another. Not the lifting your hand to your heart, kind of hugs that elves usually did. Taryn smiled as she hugged her uncle back, she liked real hugs more.

"Goodbye uncle," she said as she pulled away from the hug.

"Goodbye Taryn," her uncle said to her.
Once she got back to her room she placed her cloak on her shoulders and hooked it together with the brooch given to her by her grandmother Lady Galadriel. She then put on all of her weapons in their right spots. Last she hooked her packs together and hooked the bedroll on the bottom.

She carried the packs, two blankets, a bath towel and washcloth with her down to the stables in Rivendell. She greeted Luna and then grabbed an empty saddle bag. In one side she placed the two blankets, a bath towel and washcloth inside it. Then on the other side she packed some food for Luna.

She saddled Luna up, placed the saddle bag on her, and last put on her reigns. She then hooked one of the packs on Luna's back and carried the last two on her back. She then hoped up on Luna and headed out of the stable heading in the direction to leave Rivendell. She was on her way to Hobbiton in The Shire.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It is mainly a filler chapter, so sorry if it was boring. Thank you for the reads, votes, and comments.

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