Chapter 41: Parasites.

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Pretend Taryn is behind Thorin in the photo lol. I don't feel like making manips right now.

Thorin tried his best to nudge Taryn awake, but it was useless since he was in a sack. He sighed as he looked at her pained face that was laying on top of his chest. He could feel her chest move, that told him she was still breathing and alive.

The trolls had stopped trying to cook the dwarves on the spit for a moment to fix their selves up. Although Taryn was not able to kill any of them, she did manage to wound them. The trolls had picked out all of the arrows and we're talking to theirselves on how to cook the dwarves.

"Never mind the seasoning; we ain't got all night! Dawn ain't far away, so let's get a move on. I don't fancy being turned to stone." The one named Tom said. He had a long cut going across his chest, from where Taryn sliced him with her sword.

Bilbo, hearing what Tom said, suddenly got an idea. If he could distract them for long enough the sun would raise and they would turn to stone.

"Wait! You are making a terrible mistake." Bilbo called out to the trolls.

"You can't reason with them, they're half-wits!" Dori cries out to Bilbo.

"Half-wits? What does that make us?" Bofur asked Dori.

Bilbo who ignores Dori manages to stand up, although still tied up in a sack. He faces the trolls.

"Uh, I meant with the, uh, with, uh, with the seasoning." Bilbo says to the trolls.

"What about the seasoning?" The troll named Bert, who is bleeding from his eye asks Bilbo.

"Well have you smelt them? You're going to need something stronger than sage before you plate this lot up." Bilbo said as he made a they stink kind of face.

The dwarves yell at Bilbo, calling him a traitor. The ones in sacks kick him.

"What do you know about cooking dwarf?" The troll named Tom asks Bilbo.

"Shut up, and let the, uh, flurgaburburrahobbit talk." Bert yells out to Tom.

"Uh, th--the secret to cooking dwarf is, um--" Bilbo says as he tries to think of what to say.

"Yes? Come on." Bert says clearly getting annoyed with the hobbit. He was in pain and was trying to stop his eye from bleeding with a piece of cloth.

"It's, uh--" Bilbo chokes out unable to think of a distraction.

"Tell us the secret." Bert says as he gets angry.

"Ye--yes, I'm telling you, the secret is ... to skin them first!" Bilbo says to the trolls.

"Tom, get me the filleting knife." Bert says to the troll Tom.

"If I get you, you little--" Glóin begins to say but gets cut off.

"I won't forget that!" Dwalin says to Bilbo from where he is tied to the spit

"What a load of rubbish! I've eaten plenty with their skins on. Scuff them, I say, boots and all." Tom says about having to skin the dwarves.

Bilbo sees Gandalf slipping behind some trees nearby.

"e's right! Nothing wrong with a bit of raw dwarf! Nice and crunchy." William says from a sitting position. His legs hurt from being attacked by Taryn. William leans over and grabs Bombur, who is in a sack, and dangles him upside down over his mouth, about to eat him.

Bombur wiggles around trying his best to get out of the troll's grasp. He yells as he gets closer to William's mouth.

Bilbo sees this and tries to think of something to stop Bombur from getting eaten. "Not--not that one, he--he's infected!" Bilbo yells out at the troll William.

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