Chapter 15: The Letters.

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After her vision dream Taryn went to find her mother Queen Vanadessë. She needed to report to her anyways to let her know ada had said she could just do healing work now. She was happy about that, it didn't bother her to fight but she hated the giant spiders. They were huge and gross and she did not want to see them anymore.

Taryn wandered the halls of Mirkwood until she found her mother in the healing room.

"Nana I'm back," she said to her in Sindarin as she walked over to her over 6'0" feet tall mother. Which made Taryn look like a Elven kid then an adult.

"Iellig I'm so happy your back. Your brother, sister, and I have missed you greatly," she said to her daughter as she pulled her into a real hug. Taryn's mother was much more touchy feely then her father was.

She was also the more fun, happy, accepting, and loving parent also. Which is why Taryn liked her more then her father. He was always cold, judging, and did not understand Taryn.

"Did ada tell you I can now work with you in the healing room completely and I don't have to hunt spiders anymore?" Taryn asked her mother.

"Yes he told me that and all about your trip to Erebor already," she said to her daughter.

"I'm so happy about it nana. You know I hated hunting those gross things and would rather learn more healing. I want to get better, like you. Oh everything?" She asked wondering if her ada had told her nana about Thorin yet.

"Yes Taryn everything. Don't worry though Iellig, I won't judge you like your ada. I give you my blessing and I am just happy to see you happy. I can tell already he makes you happy just by the look on your face and your attitude. You seem much more happy then you were before you went to Erebor," her mother said to her.

Taryn was happy that her mother was not upset about her love for Thorin like her father was.

"Yes I am much more happy now. Well I was until I had to leave Erebor. I miss him so much nana and we have only been apart for a day," she said with a long sigh.

"Also I worry that ada will not let me see him anymore or keep in contact with him. He does not like that I fell in love with a dwarf. He wishes I could love someone of my own race," she said as she felt tears begin to form in her eyes.

Vanadessë sighed as she looked over at her daughter. She put her arm out and placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder.

"Don't worry Iellig I will talk to your father about you keeping in contact with him. I know he won't want to let you, but he can never say no to what I want." She said to her daughter with a smile on her face.

"I will also try and talk to him about you getting to visit Erebor again soon," she added.

"Oh Le hannon nana," she said to her mother and hugged her tightly.

After their talk was over Taryn got to work helping her mother in the healing room. Her mother also taught her some new techniques that she did not know yet.

"Nana there was something else I wanted to ask you about also. But you can not tell ada or he will get very upset," Taryn said to her mother as they worked.

"What is it Iellig?" The Queen asked her daughter.

"I had a strange dream when I rested my mind, once I arrived home. Well it wasn't really a strange dream, it was a wonderful dream. But it felt so real like I was there and that was strange," she said to her mother.

"Is it possible to have a vision dream of the future nana?" She added.

"Yes it is if you have the gift of the foresight and you do Iellig," she said to her daughter.

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