Chapter 62: A Mirkwood Family Reunion.

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Legolas ran swiftly through the branches, high above the forest floor. The blonde Elf leaped off of the branch and grabbed onto a spider's silk thread, swinging down and landing on top of the spider. He rode down a hill, on top of the spider and slid underneath it slicing the spider in half with a arrow killing it, before it attacked the company. Rolling over onto his kneels, he notched the same arrow into his bow and pointed in Thorin's face. Before Thorin can do anything about it several more Mirkwood Elves appeared from all sides, pointing their arrows in the Dwarves faces.

"Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf," Legolas said as he glared at Thorin. "It would be my pleasure."

Thorin was still standing in front of Taryn's unconscious and possibly dying body. He glared at Legolas, before lowering the Orcrist giving up since they were surrounded.

"Help!" Kíli yelled as a Giant Spider began to drag him backwards by his foot.

"Kíli!" Fíli screamed out in fear of losing his younger brother.

(Author's Note: aka all Fíli says in this movie practically, until Laketown).

Thorin and the rest of the dwarves tensed up and spun around, to see Kíli being dragged away by the spider. Suddenly the dwarves see a red headed Elf running through the branches near Kíli. Kíli in the mean time was trying his best to get away from the spider. He grunted, as he struggled to crawl away from it. The red headed Elf jumped down onto the back of a nearby spider, she shot an arrow into the spider pulling Kíli, and slashed a dagger through the head of the spider she was standing on. Spinning on her heels, she turned to deal with another spider behind her.

"Throw me your dagger," Kíli shouted to the red headed Elf, as another spider rushed towards him. "Quick!"

"If you think I'm giving you a weapon, Dwarf, you're mistaken!" The red headed Elf said, as she plunged her dagger underneath a spider's head and pushing it up killing it before spinning on her heels throwing it, the dagger landing in the head of the spider attacking Kíli. Kíli looked on to the She-Elf in amazement, as he blinked repeatedly.

"Search them!" Legolas shouted to the fellow Elves that surrounded the Dwarves.

Thorin found it useless to fight the Elves, as they began to search him and the other Dwarves. He let out a relieved sigh as he saw Kíli groaning and walking back to their area. An Elf confiscates two of Fíli's knives, who just responds by smirking. Legolas who was busy searching Glóin, pulls a picture frame out of Glóin's pocket.

"Hey! Give it back," Glóin complains. "That's private!"

"Who is this?" Legolas asked curiously as he looked at a picture of a Dwarf. "Your brother?"

"That's my wife!" Glóin responded in an offended manner.

"And what is this horrid creature?" Legolas asked as he looked at the other photo. "A goblin mutant?"

(Author's Note: I wonder if Gimli ever found out what his friend called him in LOTR lol).

"That's my wee lad," Glóin responded. Now he was really offended. "Gimli."

Legolas replied by just raising his eyebrow at Glóin in contempt. Meanwhile, the Elf searching Fíli finds even more knives all around his person. Fíli sighs when the Elf finds even some in a secret hidden pocket.

"Tauriel, gyrth in yngyl bain?" Legolas asked the red headed Elf as she walked up to him.

(Are the spiders dead?)

"Ennorner gwanod in yngyl na nyryn," the red headed Elf named Tauriel responded. "Engain nar."

(Yes, but more will come. They're growing bolder).

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