Chapter 33: Bad Dreams.

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Taryn walked through the meadow along the river; she picked wild flowers as she made her way. Once she got to the other side of the meadow she sat down in the grass. She crossed her leg over her other leg as she began making a flower crown with the flowers she picked.

"What are you doing?" A deep voice asked her as he walked up behind her.

"Making a flower crown, do you want one?" She asked the figure standing behind and as she turned and looked up at him.

Thorin let out a long chuckle as he sat down beside her. He simply wrapped his arm around her waist as he leaned in and kissed her cheek.

"Sure I guess," he said to her.

Taryn smiled at him as she finished making the flower crown. She then turned her body towards him and put the crown on top of his head.

"There now you are Prince of the flowers," she said with a smirk at him.

Thorin let out a sigh, "I do believe this makes me less manly." He said to her which made her start to laugh.

"No I think it makes you look more majestic," she said with a smile. She then finished her flower crown and he took it out of her hands.

Thorin lifted it up and placed it on top of her head over her Mirkwood crown.

"There now you are my princess of flowers," he said with a smirk.

Thorin then wrapped his other arm around her waist and pulled her into a hug. "The Prince of flowers wants some love from his princess," Thorin said as a naughty smirk formed on his face.

Taryn let out a giggle as she felt Thorin kiss her neck. Out of the corner of her eye she sees a group of orcs approaching them. In the middle of the Orcs is a very tall pure white Orc with crystal blue eyes.

Taryn lets out a scream as she watches the white Orc shoot Thorin with an arrow. It is like she is paralyzed and can not move to help.

"No No.. Thorin no," Taryn cries out over his body.

The white Orc gets closer to her and begins to laugh as he has killed her mate.
-End of dream.

Taryn cries out for Thorin in her sleep. Suddenly she wakes up, and sits up covered in sweat. She is breathing heavily and trying to catch her breath. She tucks her white blonde hair behind her ears as she swings her legs over the edge of the bed. That was an awful dream.

Since being separated from Thorin and losing her mother she has had terrible dreams whenever she would rest her mind. It has gotten so bad that she does not like to sleep anymore. Luckily as an elf she can function on very little sleep.

It was still early morning as the sun was not up yet. Last night Bilbo had let her sleep in his guest room, since she was the only female in the house. He also said she could use his other bathroom that had not been ruined by the dwarves.

After swinging her legs off of the bed, she stood up and walked over to her travel packs. She grabbed the one with her bathroom items and made her way out of the room and to the bathroom.

Bilbo's home which she learned was called Bag End was completely quiet. All of the dwarves were still sleeping since it was still early. Taryn knew she would no longer need more sleep, so she thought may as well get ready for the day and ready to leave.

Once in the bathroom she ran a warm bath. She got into the tub and slowly laid down in the water. She dunked her head under getting her hair wet. She cleaned her body with her body scrub and washed her hair with her elven shampoo and conditioner.

The Gathering Storm. The Hobbit fanfic. A Thorin Oakenshield love story.Where stories live. Discover now