Chapter 52: Into the Wild.

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All was silent, as Taryn, the dwarves, and Bilbo made their way through Rivendell. It was morning, but the sun had not risen yet. Thorin led the company back through the gate of Rivendell, across the grassy hill, and up to the rocky pathway. Thorin had one arm protectively around Taryn's waist and one hand on his axe, that he was using as a walking stick.

As they reached the rocky pathway, the sun had slowly started to rise. The sky turned from dark blue to pale pink and purple, as the warm glow of the sun peeked out over the horizon. The rays shined down onto the falls of the waterfall, causing a beautiful shimmering reflection.

Thorin stopped slightly to look back at his companions. "Be on your guard," Thorin warned. "We're about to step over the edge of the Wild. Balin, you know these paths; lead on." He said while stepping to the side to let Balin take over.

"Aye," replied the white haired elder dwarf.

With a heavy sigh Taryn turned to look at Imladris one last time. For she did not know when she would be returning to her adoptive home. She looked on until she felt Thorin's strong hand grab her small hand and pulled her along.

Thorin smiled at her lovingly. "Come along my dear," he said to her as he reached out for her hand.

Taryn slowly nodded her head. She turned back towards her husband, as she felt a few tears roll down her cheeks. She would miss her uncle and cousins, but she was happy to be with Thorin.

"Master Baggins," Thorin called out in a gruff tone. "I suggest you keep up."

Bilbo had stopped near the back of the group. He was also glancing back at Rivendell one last time. He was sorry to leave. Turning slowly, he fell back into line and walked with a downwards glance at the path.

Taryn tilted her head to the side, as she walked along right behind her husband. She looked back towards Bilbo slightly. She felt bad for him, now that they were out of Rivendell Thorin was back to being harsh towards him.

"Must you be so harsh towards him," Taryn said to Thorin as she tilted her head back to its normal position.

Frowning, Thorin turned slowly and looked to her. He did not answer her, instead he just moved onwards up the path. Letting out a slow quiet sigh, Taryn continued to follow Thorin up the path. As they turned the corner of the rocky pathway, they could see snow covered mountain peaks in the distance. They had a long way to go to get there.


They walked on for hours and hours, with very little stops. And the stops that did happen only lasted for a few minutes. Balin led the company over ranges and rivers, over grasslands, underneath waterfalls and over a rocky terrain. Taryn stayed up at the front along side Thorin. For he always made sure she did not leave his side. Most of the time he would have one protective arm wrapped around her. Or he would be holding her hand with their fingers intertwined.

They climbed higher and higher up into the Misty Mountains. The mountain path was a dangerous slope, so they had to carefully place their steps. The white clouds turned dark as they got high up into the mountain. Soon darkness fell and with the night came terrible weather. The rain steadily poured down in sharp droplets and completely soaked them. Then there was the wind, it blew in every direction. Taryn's long white blonde hair whipped out of her cloak's hood and wrapped around her face.

The wind also blew the rain into their faces, making it even harder to see. Even Taryn with her Elven sight could not see all that great, with all of the rain. All of the dwarves and Bilbo were freezing and shivering from being soaked. Taryn was the only one that was not cold, as Elves do not get cold.

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