Chapter 18: Reunited.

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Taryn's POV:

Taryn rode all through the night and was lucky to get out of Mirkwood with no attack by the Giant Spiders. By mid afternoon she was half away to Erebor. She decided to stop by a small stream to rest and let The horses drink water.

Taryn got down off of Luna and walked to the edge of the stream. Taryn leaned down and refilled her water skins. She took one long sip as she stood back up.

{Are you hungry Luna?} Taryn asked Luna using her animal telepath powers. Taryn walked to the pack she put the food in and grabbed food for Luna and the other horse.

She fed both Luna and the other horse, then grabbed an apple for herself. She ate the apple and then put the core back in the pack.

"Okay you two we better get going. We still have a half a day of travel left," she said out loud to the horses.

Taryn got back up onto Luna and they were off back on the road to Erebor.
Thorin's POV:

Thorin spent most of the day doing his royal duties and preparing Taryn's bed chamber for when she arrived. He wanted to make sure she had everything she would need. From bathroom products to new dresses. His grandfather also gave her a bed chamber in the same wing as his and his families bed chambers. Since she would be living in Erebor permanently. It was a big room with a fireplace and sitting area.

Thorin was with Dwalin practicing sparring while waiting for Taryn to arrive in Erebor. He just hoped that she did not run into any trouble along the way. Like Giant Spiders or Orcs.

"So what time do you think Taryn will get here by?" Dwalin asked Thorin as they took a break from sparring.

"By tonight at least maybe before dinner," Thorin said back to him as he wiped the sweat off of his forehead with a towel.

"I'm just worried that she may get into trouble along the way," Thorin added.

"I'm sure she will be fine. She can handle her own anyways. She knows how to fight Thorin," Dwalin said.

"I know she does, but that doesn't mean I want her to get attacked by Orcs and have to fight," Thorin said back.

"So Balin tells me you plan on proposing to her?" Dwalin asked Thorin as he looked over at him.

"Yes I do and I am going to give her my mother's emerald ring," he said with a smile on his face.

Just the moment a guard came in to the combat room. "Prince Thorin Princess Táriel has arrived," the guard said to Thorin and bowed before exiting the room.

"She is here already!" Dwalin said.

"Well immortal horses are faster then normal horses and ponies," Thoron said to Dwalin as he stood up.

Of course he was a sweaty messy from sparring with Dwalin. He thought Taryn Would not be arriving until later. So he thought he would have plenty of time to bath and change into new clothes.

"I'm going to go meet her at the main gate. I'll see you at dinner Dwalin," Thorin said to him.

"You're going to go meet her looking like that?" He said as he looked over Thorin's appearance.

"Well it isn't like I have time to bath and change now. Also I haven't seen her in over a month. I don't want to wait any longer," Thorin said to Dwalin as he headed towards the door.

"Whatever you say Thorin, but you probably smell a little too." Dwalin said with a laugh. "You haven't seen each other in over a month and you are going to look so attractive to her," he said sarcastically and began to laugh.

The Gathering Storm. The Hobbit fanfic. A Thorin Oakenshield love story.Where stories live. Discover now