Chapter 5: Trouble in Paradise.

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Taryn's POV:

They walked down the hall in the direction of the guest chambers. Of course Taryn was not a tiny bit tired even though it was getting late. For elves did not need sleep, like dwarves and men did. They only needed to rest their minds for a few hours. Which to others would appear as if they were sleeping. And she had already rested her mind earlier that day.

As they got closer to the guest chambers, she slowly sighed to herself. She found herself not wanting to leave Thorin's company. Once they reached her room Thorin stopped and looked at her.

"Goodnight Princess," he said as he took her hand and brought it up to his lips.

He softly kissed her hand, which sent shivers down Taryn's spine. She let out a breath as she looked at him.

"Goodnight Prince," she said and smirked at him. Usually she would just call him Thorin, but since he called her princess she called him Prince.

She softly bit her lower lip as she noticed he still had not let go of her hand.

Then it happened Thorin slowly leaned in and kissed her. He couldn't control himself any longer. He had been wanting to do that all night and had finally accepted that he was in denial. And Taryn biting her bottom lip like that was only making it worst.

Taryn was shocked that he kissed her, but she slowly and softly kissed him back.

Just then her father King Thranduil came out of his room. Of course he had heard them talking. He had seen the whole thing. From the hand holding to the kiss.

He had a look of pure hatred on his long face. "TARYN!" he yelled out to her most likely waking up the whole floor.

Taryn pulled away from Thorin and her eyes instantly went to her father. She was going to be in so much trouble.

"Ai!" Taryn yelled out in Sindarin as she noticed her father glaring at them both.

"Iellig, man cerig? Aphado nin." Thranduil said in a very angry voice.

Taryn just sighed as she looked up at Thorin. "I'm sorry. I must go. Goodnight," she said to him.

Thorin was still shocked at the fact that he kissed her and that her father had caught them.

"It is okay, goodnight Taryn." He said to her with a small smile on his face. He didn't dare kiss her again.

Thorin then let go of her hand and walked off towards his own chambers.

Once he was gone Taryn walked over to her father, who was still glaring at her.

"Goheno nin, ada." She said to her father in Sindarin.

Thranduil's POV:

To say Thranduil was angry at his daughter was an understatement. He was so mad at her, Thorin, and himself. He knew she was wanting to spend more time with the prince and he had let her. Then he along with everyone else saw the way they stared at each other tonight and he just let her stay in the dinning hall by herself. He should have made her go to her room when he left with their guards.

He didn't say a word to his daughter. He just glared at her. How could she fall for a dwarf. She was an elf and was suppose to fall in love with another elf. He knew of this damn prophecy that Thorin and Taryn were both in. And he was doing his best to keep them apart, but it wasn't working. He couldn't let this prophecy come true. Finally he spoke to her.

"Go to your room Taryn. I am very disappointed in you" he said to her with an loud sigh.

"I don't want you to see that dwarf prince again and that is an order." He said as he turned to walk back to his own room.

Taryn was shocked and hurt. But she wasn't going to let her father keep her away from Thorin.

"Avo garo am man theled ada?" She simply asked him as she began to cry.

"Because I am your Adar and he is not an elf," he said without looking at her.

"Just wait until his family hears about this. They will not be happy either," he added on.

Taryn just cried more as she ran into her room.
Sindarin Translated:
Ai! -- Eek.
Iellig -- My daughter.
man cerig? -- What are you doing?
Aphado nin -- Come with me. (Literal meaning Follow Me).
Goheno nin -- Sorry. (Literal meaning Forgive me).
ada -- daddy.
Avo garo am man theled -- Why not. (Literal meaning Don't do it for what purpose).
Adar -- Father.
Okay there are the translations. The other words in italics just pretend they are actually in Sindarin.
I don't know the phrases or words for everything I wanted to say.

It is a short chapter. I just wanted to have them have their first kiss and get caught.
Eek, Thranduil is pissed off. I will start writing the next chapter tomorrow since it is almost 1:00 am here.

Also thank you for all of the reads and votes so far. Please keep voting and comment if you want to.

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