Chapter 10: The Orc Attack.

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Taryn was leaving to head home back to Mirkwood at the end of the week. So Thorin had surprised her with a private horse ride (or pony ride in his case) for her. He rode his pony and Taryn rode her immortal horse Luna. They were just having fun riding through the clearing near the mountain.

Taryn smirked as she looked over at Thorin on his pony. "You want to race to the edge of the clearing?" She asked him remembering the day she raced her father.

Thorin laughed at her as he nodded his head, "sure." He said to her but he knew he would lose this race. Taryn's immortal horse was much faster then his mortal pony.

"Okay ready set go," Taryn yelled out to him and took off on Luna.

She whispered to her horse in Sindarin to run as fast as possible. She laughed as she turned her head around to look at him. She was clearly winning this race.

"I'm going to win," she yelled out at him as she laughed.

Thorin just shook his head and tried to make his pony run faster. But the poor thing had short legs and was already tired. Soon the pony stopped listening to him and began to just walk.

He heard Taryn giggle as she reached the edge of the clearing. "I win!" She yelled out and smirked at him.

She stopped Luna by the lake and got down off of her. She told Luna to rest, but not to go too far. She then stood looking at the lake waiting for Thorin to get there.

She smiled to herself as she heard him get down off of his pony and walk over to her. Thorin stopped when he was behind her and wrapped his strong arms around her slender waist.

"I think you some how cheated," he whispered into her ear.

Taryn smirked as she heard him speak. "An elf cheat! That would never happen," she she said to him with a giggle.

Thorin rolled his eyes and just laughed. He then turned her around for she was now facing him.

"So what do I get for winning?" She asked him curiously as she bit down on her bottom lip.

Thorin groaned as he watched her bite her bottom lip lightly. "You get this," he said as he leaned in closer to her and slowly kissed her lips.

Taryn felt her heart began to race as he slowly but passionately kisses her. She leaned in and kissed him back as she wrapped he arms around his neck.

"I think I like this prize," she said with a giggle as she pulled back from the kiss.

She slowly then went back to kissing him. She deepened the kiss and moaned out as she felt him kiss her back. Their kissing was soon interrupted by the blood screeching yells of orcs.

Taryn quickly pulled back from the kiss and looked around with panic in her eyes. They were surrounded by at least twelve orcs. Taryn and Thorin were out numbered and had little chance of surviving this attack.

Thorin quickly pushed Taryn behind him in a protective manner as he pulled out his sword.

"Stay close to me," he said to Taryn as he began killing as many orcs as he could.

Taryn nodded her head, but she was no damsel in distress. She knew how to fight and had been trained to use a both a bow and twin swords since she was young.

She pulled out her bow and quickly loaded it. They had brought their weapons along just in case and now Taryn was happy that they had. She quickly began shooting as many orcs as possible and re-loading bow quickly as she shot.

Thorin was making his way slicing and dicing orcs one by one. He always made sure he could still see Taryn out of the corner of his eye. They had gotten separated from each other and there was a lot of orcs in between them. Taryn had ran out of arrows, so she was now using her twin swords.

She sliced through an Orc two times the size of her and then turned to see Thorin. He was battling three orcs at once and was losing. Taryn let out a gasp she quickly as she could ran towards him.

She killed all the orcs that were blocking her path to him and then ran over to him. She began helping him kill the remaining orcs. She smiled as she watched the last one drop down dead. But her celebration was short lived, for she noticed she no longer heard Thorin.

She turned around to see him laying on the ground. He had been shot with at least two arrows. "No!" She yelled out as she dropped to her knees along his side.

She dropped her swords as she looked over him. He had two wounds and was losing a lot of blood fast. Worst of all she knew all Orc arrows were poisoned. So even if she stopped the bleeding the poison would soon be entering his blood stream.

She ripped off a piece of her tunic and then quickly ripped out the arrows from his stomach. She quickly worked on opened his shirt. She gasped as she saw his chest and stomach covered in blood. She tried her best to stop the bleeding but it was no use. She was skilled in healing but she had no healing tools out here.

"No no no; no Thorin, please you can not die. I just met you, I was just getting to know you, and I was just beginning to fall in love with you." She cried out to him as tears rolled down her cheeks.

She looked down at the Prince as she put her hand on his cheek. He looked up at her and then fell into unconsciousness.

"No no, please . . . please . . .please. Don't leave me. I love you." She cried out to him. She quickly then wrapped his wounds with the cloth from her tunic.
That is the end of chapter 10. I hope you all enjoyed it. Will Thorin make it and does he know she loves him?
Chapter 11 will be up in a few minutes.

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