Chapter 77: The Hidden Door.

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Author's Note: First before I post this chapter I wanted to apologize for taking so long to post it. I was first pretty sick (I had bronchitis), which caused me to not be able to write much. Then I once I was better, I had to deal with a nasty cause of writer's block and I lost inspiration for this story.  I decided to just post what I have finished. And work on the next part as a new chapter. I do not know when that will be though.

Also I wanted to let everyone know I will be changing a little bit of the script, diverting from canon before Bilbo goes into the mountain.

As the Dwarves, Taryn, and Bilbo follow the rocky dirt path leading them higher and higher into the foothills the surroundings once vibrant and beautiful, grew darker and darker as they near The Lonely Mountain. A chilly breeze blew through the company, causing Taryn's white blonde hair to whip out of her hooded cloak. Thorin pulled her closer to him by wrapping his arm around her waist, as they made their way through the darkened hills.

Soon after hours of walking through the foothills from the overlook point, they finally reached the base of the mountain. The Dwarves who had never lived in Erebor and Bilbo's eyes all widened in shock at the sheer size of Erebor. The grey granite rocks of the Lonely Mountain shoot upwards into the dark swirling clouds. Making it impossible for the company to see the tip of the Mountain. Though with her Elven eyes Taryn can see farther then anyone else.

The sun was shining down through the dark clouds, causing streaks of shimming light to bounce off the stone of the mountain. Taryn shielded her face from the sun with her hand as they began searching the side of the Mountain for the hidden door.

After what seems like hours of searching everyone in the company is exhausted. Taryn rested her hand on her pregnant belly as she watched Thorin huff and puff out of exhaustion from the trek and annoyance over not finding the hidden door.

"Let's take a short break," Thorin managed to say while panting as he planted his sword into the rocky ground.

Thorin's chest rises and falls as he tries to catch his breath. He groaned in frustration over still not finding the door, grabbing Taryn's hand he pulled his wife closer to his body. Taryn let out a small smile as she rested her head on Thorin's shoulder. She was exhausted also, but it was more about being pregnant than the trek through the foothills.

"Taryn what do your Elf eyes see Amrâlimê?" Thorin asked her tiredly, shifting his weight against his sword as he tilted his head to look at her.

Taryn sighed as she shook her head. "I see a bunch of rocks. Rocks that go on for miles and miles," she huffed out with a slight smirk on her face. She had actually saw something, but didn't say anything.

Thorin did not notice her smirk and growls frustrated over the fact that not even an Elf can't find the hidden door. With a tilt of his head he looks from Taryn to the other Dwarves. They were all spread out here and there at the base of the mountain, searching for the entrance to the hidden door.

"Anything?" He called out tiredly to the rest of the company.

Dwalin who was searching a little above Thorin, tilted his head as he heard him speak. He turned on the heels of his feet and looked down at his leader. "Nothing," he said angrily, shifting from one foot to the other.

Thorin groaned annoyed at their endless search for the path, only to turn up empty. He was upset not only over the Dwarves, Taryn, and Bilbo not being able to find the door; but also mostly he was upset over himself. He was their leader and he was suppose to guide them back into the mountain. He was frustrated over his terrible ability at being their King.

Pulling the map out from inside his pocket he opened it slowly and looked down at it. "If the map is true, the hidden door lies directly above us," Thorin grunted out annoyed with all of them. Looking up from the map in his hands, Thorin's eyes scanned the mountain side.

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