"Hey, Little Kitten,"

260 8 13

Au- human-ish/another world,

Roman was sitting petting his sleeping cat, Virgil. He remembered the day he got the small cat many years ago.


Roman woke up. It was his 10th birthday. He excitedly got up, woke his twin brother, who was equally as excited, and they both got ready for the day.

10th birthdays are an important milestone in the world he lives in. on everyone's 10th birthday they get a pet of their own. They must keep the pet until either the pet or the owner dies. No one got to choose their pet; they just showed up at the front door.

When Roman and Remus were done getting dressed they ran downstairs.

"Good morning, Boys," the twins' mom greeted. "Happy birthday. Are you boys ready to get your pets?"

"Yes! Can't wait," the twins answer excitedly. There was a knock on the door. The twins' mom made her way to the door and the boys followed.

"Well looks like you don't have to wait any longer," their mom said after opening the door. Outside the door were two animal cage things, one with Roman's name and one with Remus's name. Their mom brought the cage things inside and into the living room. "Well, boys go ahead and open them."

The boys carefully grab the cages with their names, putting them next to them.

Remus opened his cage thing, putting his hand in. A small snake slithered out and up his arm. The snake had green eyes and yellow scales. "Cool," he breathed out. "Hi, Snakey."

Roman opened his cage thing and looked inside. Inside the cage was a tiny little black kitten, it couldn't be more than a few weeks old. The little kitten slowly and curiously made its way to the opening of the cage. "Hey, Little Kitten," Roman said softly before petting the kitten's head softly. The kitten slowly made his way onto Roman's lap, rubbing into him.

The twins spent the rest of the day playing with their new pets. 

(336 words. This was probably shit, but whatever.) 

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