Patton's Checking in on Everyone

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"How's your day going, Janie?" Patton asked. He had just popped into the dark side of the mindspace. He was checking in on all the sides.

"Well," Janus started. "Roman asked me what my favorite color was, then Virgil said I was wrong."

"So pretty normal," Remus, who was sitting nearby, said.

"How's your day going, Remus?" Patton asked.

"Well," Remus started. "I set a dumpster on fire, jumped off a cliff, pranked Roman, got pranked by Roman, and accidentally set Virgil's dresser on fire when I went to mess with him and Roman."

"Oh my."

"It's pretty normal for him," Janus shrugged, rolling his eyes.

"Well, I'm gonna go check on the other kiddos, see you kiddos at dinner," Patton waved.

"Sssee you, Patton."

"Bye, Patton," Remus said.

Patton popped up outside Virgil's room and knocked on the door. "Kiddos?" he said. There was the sound of movement from inside. After a second the door opened revealing Roman.

"Hey, Padre," Roman greeted. "What's up?"

"I was just checking in on everyone," Patton said with a smile.

"Oh, well me and Virgil are just watching a movie. We decided after getting pranked by Remus, parking Remus, and Remus starting Virgil's dresser on fire, we would just relax for the rest of the day."

"Good for you Kiddos," Patton smiled. "Well, enjoy your movie. I will call you when dinner's ready."

"Alright, Patton," Roman said. "See you later."

Patton walked off to Logan's room to check in on him. Roman went back into the room, locked the door, and went over to the bed. He flopped down next to Virgil.

"Well, hello, my beautiful Princess," Roman smirked, putting his arms around Virgil.

"Hey, Princey," Virgil mumbled, hiding his blush-covered face in his pillow. Roman chuckled and kissed his cheek. "Nuu, stwp," he whined.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

"You're adorable."

"Am not. I'm scary."

"If you say so," Roman chuckled. 

(321 words.) 

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