The Owl House crossover au

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Au- The Owl House crossover (obviously)

Idea from- PicklesOfNervousness

Virgil and Roman were walking through the woods in the imagination. All of a sudden they saw a portal in the distance.

"Ooh a portal," Roman said as he started running toward it.

"Roman no," Virgil yelled.

But he was too late. Roman already ran into the portal. Groaning Virgil ran in after him. He stopped when he ran into Roman, who was looking around the house they were now in.

"Roman, you can't just run through random portals!"

"Sorry Virge," Roman shrugged. The portal then disappeared.

"Damn it," Virgil said. "This is your fault."

"Sorry..." Roman said, scratching the back of his neck. "We'll find a way back... somehow..."

"What are you doing in my house!" said an unknown voice. The two looked over to where the voice came from to see a grey-haired, pointy-eared lady. Roman stepped in front of Virgil.

"Who are you?" Roman asked.

"I should be asking you that."

Before Roman or Virgil could say anything else a brown-haired girl walked in the room, saying, "What's going on Eda." She then saw Ro and Virge. "Who are they?" Then a cute little demon dog with a skeleton head, who asked the same question.

"I'm prince Roman and this is my lovely boyfriend, Virgil," Roman informed.

"A prince huh?" the demon creature said. "Well, I'm the king of demons."

"I'm Luz," the brown-haired girl said. "That's Eda," she pointed to the pointy-eared lady, "and that is King," she pointed to the little demon guy. 

(262 words. I didn't know what to do for this. Sorry, it kinda sucks. Also happy birthday PicklesOfNervousness and anyone/everyone else whose birthday is today) 

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