Kid Sides 2

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Thomas got ready for the kids to get dropped off. He runs a small daycare. He was ready just in time for the first kid, Logan, to get dropped off.

"Hi, Logan, Mr. Crofters," Thomas greeted.

"Hello, Mr. Sanders," Logan's dad replied.

"Hello, Thomas," Logan said. His dad soon left and he went over to the small bookshelf. He picked out a book, sat down on a bean bag chair, and started reading.

The next to arrive was Patton.

"Hi, Patton, Mrs. Heart," Thomas greeted.

"Hi Thomas," Patton smiled.

"Hi Thomas, bye Patton," Mrs. Heart said.

"Bye, mom," Patton skipped over to Logan and asked him about the book he's reading.

Not even 5 minutes later, Janus showed up. He looked around trying to think of what to do. Ten minutes after that, the twins, Roman and Remus, got dropped off by their parents. The twins were bickering as usual.

They stopped just long enough to say, "Hi Thomas." Remus saw Janus and ran over demanding that he take his side on whatever argument he and Roman were having.

The last to arrive was a still half asleep Virgil, as usual.

"Hi Virgil," Thomas greeted the sleepy child.

"Hewwo," Virgil mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Virgie!" Roman ran over and hugged Virgil.

"Hi Wo-Wo," Virgil yawned.

Roman pulled Virgil over to the craft stuff. "Color with me Vi-Vi!"

"Otay," Virgil yawned again. 

(231 words. Should I make Kid Sides its own book? Should I call it Kid Sides or something else? Ideas?) (Also if you want to see  me making the ship-themed paper cranes you can see it on my TikTok  @deadinside123452 )

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