"No, you deserved that,"

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"Roman, I'm sorry for what I said," Virgil said.

"And for punching me?" Roman asked.

"No, you deserved that," Virgil said.

"... That's far," Roman shrugged.


"Why does Roman have a black eye?" Patton asked.

"I punched him," Virgil said. Everyone looked at him with confused faces. He was sitting on Roman's lap.

"Yeah, I kinda deserved it," Roman shrugged.

"But like how did Virgil punch you?" Remus asked. "He's so short."

"Wanna find out?" Virgil asked.

"Bring it on!" Remus said.

"No," Roman, Patton, Logan, and Janus said. Roman stopped Virgil from getting up. 

(96 words.) 

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