"Good riddance..."

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"Um, excuse me?" Virgil asked somewhat shyly.

"Yes?" the person at the mall counter asked.

"I lost my friends Roman and Remus in the store, can I make an announcement?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Thanks," Virgil said, before leaning into the mic. "Good riddance you pieces of shit," he said before walking out of the mall.

Roman and Remus heard the announcement recognizing the voice to be Virgil's.

"Virgil, no," Roman mumbled and he and Remus made their way outside. 

(78 words.) 

Roman: How dare you Stormcloud. 

Remus: Just wait until the others hear about this shit, you little bitch. 

Virgil: Don't be a snitch. 

Remus: We'll see motherfucker~ 

(107 words.) 

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