"... I do have a sense of humor..."

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"Must be hard not being able to laugh," Roman said in a sympathetic voice.

"Roman, I do have a sense of humor, you know," Virgil rolled his eyes.

"But, I've never heard you laugh before, Virgil," Roman said, skeptical.

"Well, I've never heard you say anything funny, Roman," Virgil sassed.

"*offended Princey noises*" Roman gacked. Virgil mocked him. "You're ridiculous." (utterly ridiculous)

(62 words.) 

At my uncles again, going to be again next weekend, just like the last few weeks. Then the week after that, I'm going to Florida, with my girlfriend, for 3 weeks, staying with her dad. Not sure how often I'm going to post while there. Just thought I should let y'all know. 

Love you all! xoxo 

Me: I'm ready to spend time with my GF! 

Patton: I'm happy for you Mace Face! 

Me: Who told you about that nickname! 

Patton: Hehehe~ I have my ways. 

Me: Nuuuu! 

Patton: Yes! 

Virgil: Mace... Face? 

Me: Yes. That's my childhood nickname. Can we go back to the thing about me going to Florida with my girlfriend? 

Patton: Sure Masie! 

Logan: Make sure to bring the proper clothing. 

Me: I know. 

Virgil: Don't get lost. Be careful. Bring sunscreen. *anxious rambles* 

Me: Virgil. I know! I've gone through all the bad things that could happen, and ways to try to prevent them. 

(221 words.) 

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