"I know," ... "I'm supposed to be dead. Well, technically I am dead,"

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Au- human!Virgil, Vampire!Roman

Warning- crying, talk of eating disorder, mention of death? Maybe more? 

(Longish  -over 1100 words.) 

Virgil was crying as he walked through the dark woods, a large backpack sling over his shoulder. Why? Well...


He came out to his parents and they gave him 30 minutes to get out. He packed everything he needed into his large backpack. He didn't have money or anywhere to go so when his parents made him leave he went into the wood behind the house. He was planning to go to his old treehouse, which was far back in the woods.

He called his boyfriend to tell him about what happened. When he did his boyfriend just laughed, called him a few names, and broke up with him.


He was almost to the treehouse, but he couldn't walk anymore and fell to his knees. He curled into himself, still crying.

"Stormcloud?" Virgil's breath hitched as heard a soft and familiar voice behind him. There was only one person that had called him by that nickname.

He shook his head, covering his ears, closing his eyes tight. 'This can't be happening. This isn't real,' he thought. 'This can't be real. He's dead. He died.'

"Stormcloud," the oh-so-familiar voice repeated. "Shh, don't cry. Tell me what's wrong?" Virgil flinched as he felt a hand touch his shoulder. He didn't open his eyes until now. There in front of him was his best friend/crush... that had died almost two years ago.

"H-how? Y-you-your. I-I-I th-th-thought," Virgil sputtered shakily. Roman put his hand on Virgil's cheek wiping away tears. He smiled lightly at Virgil.

"I know," Roman said, knowing what Virgil was thinking. "I'm supposed to be dead. Well, technically I am dead," he chuckled. That's when Virgil noticed the two sharp fangs. He hadn't noticed his heart was racing, which started when he first heard Roman's voice, until Roman breathed in and subconsciously whispered, "you smell good."

"Y-you-your- your a-a," Virgil started.

"Vampire? Yeah," Roman said. "But don't worry. I won't hurt you, Lovely." Virgil blushed at the nickname. Roman breathed in the scent again, his pupils dilating a little. His hand was still and Virgil's cheek, rubbing his thumb softly. "Now. Calm down and tell me why are you crying?" he said softly, looking Virgil in the eye. A red shimmer went across both of their eyes quickly going away.

"Well, I- um, I," Virgil stuttered, hiccuping a little as he slowly calmed down. "I came out to my parents and they- they kicked me out. Then I called the guy I was dating and- and he broke up with me. I- *small hiccup* I have nowhere to go, so- so I was heading to- to- to the treehouse." When he finished he yawned only now realizing how tired he was. His blinked eyes started to get a heaver.

"I never liked, *guy V was dating*," Roman practically growled, in a low voice. He pulled Virgil onto his lap, who tried pulling away. "It's okay, Stormcloud," he reassured, making Virgil stop trying to pull away. "Sleep. I'll take care of you, Lovely." Virgil was hesitant but soon gave in to the tiredness and fell asleep, leaning on Roman.


Virgil woke up, not opening his eyes, and yawned. He stretched a little, then curled up into a little ball. He felt so comfortable, as he subconsciously hummed lightly. He held the blanket close, his face in a pillow.

There was a soft chuckle from a few feet away from the big bed Virgil was laid in. Roman walked close to Virgil. He ran his fingers through Virgil's hair lightly.

"Stormcloud~" Roman purred quietly.

"Five more minutes," Virgil yawned. Roman just chuckled. "Wait," Virgil abruptly sat up. "How did I get here? Where is here?"

"Calm down, Stormcloud," Roman said softly. "I brought you here. This is my house. Well, technically Remus owns the place since I'm supposed to be dead, but it's basically my place."

"Oh, o-okay," Virgil yawned. "Why di-"

"I brought you here because you don't have anywhere else," Roman said, knowing what Virgil was going to say. "You can stay with me."

"I can find somewhere you don't have to-" Virgil started.

"You're staying with me, okay? I can have Remus bring some food for you when he comes tomorrow. As well as whatever else you need or want. Okay?"


"Good. What do you want me to have Remus get for you?"

"It doesn't really matter," Virgil said. "I don't eat much anyway," he muttered under his breath.

Roman, who had extra good hearing being a vampire and all, heard Virgil. "Why not?"


"Why don't you eat much?"

"Oh, I just don't get hungry and sometimes forget to eat," Virgil said. It's true. He had had an eating disorder for years in middle school and most of high school. His parents found out about it about a year before and got him help. He's been better about eating but he would forget to and/or not feel hungry. The only people that knew about his eating disorder were his parents since he had been good at hiding it.

"Why?" Roman asked.

"I- I," Virgil felt compelled to tell Roman. He didn't know why, he just felt like he had to tell Roman. "I had a- an eating disorder... for a long time..." Roman frowned. "I- I've been doing better about eating though..." Virgil added.

"Well, I'll help to remind you to eat," Roman said softly. 'No wonder you're so light.' he thought.


It's been a little bit since Virgil was brought to Roman's house. He hadn't left the house since he got here, he didn't have to or really want to, he had everything he needed there.

Virgil was sitting on the counter in the kitchen, reading a horror book he had found. Roman walked through. "Virgil, you know you're not supposed to sit on the counter," Roman said, rolling his eyes a little. Virgil just kept reading. "Virgil."

"Huh?" Virgil questioned looking up at Roman.

"You're not allowed to sit on the counter."

"Oh, right. Sorry," Virgil said, putting his bookmark in the book before setting it down and went to get down.

"It's alright, Lovely," Roman said. He picked Virgil up before he got down all the way. Virgil squeaked and grabbed onto him, arms around his neck, and legs around his waist. "How's the book? I haven't read it yet."

"Oh, it's good," Virgil said. "I'm not very far through it yet, but so far I like it."

"That's good," Roman said. "Would you like to watch a movie with me?"

"Sure, what movie?"

"I haven't decided yet. All I know is it's going to be a Disney movie. You can help me decide."


(1131 words. Hey, I'm getting kinda low on one-shot ideas. If you have requests/sugetions let me know! Also, I hope this was good and y'all enjoyed it!)  

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