Basically Roman and Virgil having gay panics for each other

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Virgil was in the living room on his phone, when out of the corner of his eye he saw Roman. 'There he is, my favorite person, the person I love. I just want to stare at him forever and spend all my time with him, and-' Virgil's thoughts were cut off.

"Oh, hey Virgil," Roman greeted.

"The fuck you want," Virgil muttered.

Roman chuckled, rolling his eyes a little, walking over to the couch, and sitting down next to Virgil. Roman grabbed the remote. He turned on the TV.

"Whatcha gonna watch?" Virgil asked.

"Something Disney," Roman shrugged. Virgil rolled his eyes, acting as if he was annoyed. Roman picked a Disney movie, sat the remote on the coffee table, and leaned back. Virgil kept scrolling through his phone occasionally looking up at the TV.

After about 15 minutes, Virgil turned off his phone and watched the TV. Roman looked over at Virgil. 'He's so beautiful and adorable. My little emo prince. I love him so much. I just want to kiss him and hold him in my arms forever,' he thought, smiling. He sighed and looked back at the movie. 

(191 words.) 

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