"... it's a talent show,"

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Au- human, high school, non-binary Remy,

(Roman and Virgil aren't dating in this, but they really like each other.)

Roman, Virgil, Patton, and Logan were walking through the hallway of their school. They were talking as they walked to their next class, which they all have together. Patton looked at the message board on the wall and stopped walking.

"Kiddos, there's going to be a talent show! We should all sign up!" Patton said.


It was a few days later now, and the group of four was at lunch.

"So Kiddos, are you guys going to sign up for the talent show or not?" Patton asked Roman and Virgil. He got Logan to sign up with him.

"I was thinking I'd do some magic-" Roman said.

"You? Magic? Roman, it's a talent show," Virgil said.

"Offended Princey noises*"

"Are you signing up for the talent show, Virgil?" Logan asked.

"Probably not. I don't really know what I'd do," Virgil said, poking at the food on his lunch tray with his spork.

"You could sing," Virgil's older sibling Remy said, sitting down next to him. Remy took a sip from their coffee.

"You sing!?!?!" Roman asked excitedly.

"Whaaat? Nooo..." Virgil said unconvincingly, scratching the back of his neck.

"He does," Remy said. "And he is really good."

"Shut up," Virgil whispered, hitting Remy's arm.

"I'm signing you up to sing," Roman smirked.

"No!" Virgil panicked. "I can't sing in front of all those people! I can barely sing in front of Remy without panicking!"

"Chill, babes," Remy said. They took another sip of their coffee then had an idea. "What if the two of you did a duet," they smirked, pointing from Roman to Virgil, making both blush.


It was the night of the talent show. Patton and Logan were one of the first to do their act. After a few people, Remy and Emile(sorry if his name is spelled wrong) did an act together. A little later, Roman and Virgil were called to do their act. They did a duet of 'Anything You Can Do' by Irving Berlin, with some changes. Virgil sang the part of the girl because he has a higher voice.


After the talent show, the group +Remy and Emile went to an ice cream shop. Remus and Janus were supposed to meet up with them but never showed up. Logan and Patton shared a bowl of ice cream because 'ice cream is unhealthy' and Logan 'doesn't like sweets because they are unhealthy'. Remy and Emile each had their own ice cream, but were sharing them with each other. Roman and Virgil both had their own ice cream.

After they left the ice cream shop they went to Roman and Remus's house to stay the night. Remus and Janus were there already. The group had fun hanging out the rest of the night.

The next morning, everyone took pictures of Roman and Virgil, who were asleep, on the couch, cuddling. 

(496 words.) 

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