4 am (part 2)

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Virgil walked to a place he always went to when he was having one of those days. He was holding two roses, one red and one purple. He arrived at the grave of his dead boyfriend. He sat down in front of it, putting the roses on the grave. He brought his knees to his chest, curling into himself, as a few tears fell from his eyes.

He whispered a few unknown words. There was a swirl of light. "Ro?"

"Hello, Lovely," the swirl of light took shape. The ghostly shape of Roman was sitting there over his grave. Roman smiled lightly at Virgil. "What's wrong, Lovely?"

Virgil shrugged. "I don't really know. I just *sigh*"

"It's alright, Love," Roman said. If he could he would have hugged Virgil. "It's okay to just feel sad or upset. It happens sometimes."

Virgil wiped tears away, "thanks, Ro," he smiles a little. "I really miss you."

"I miss you as well," Roman said. He subconsciously touched his hand on Virgil's cheek. Virgil shivered a little at the cold feeling.

The two chatted for a long while. Virgil's phone buzzed. He pulled out his phone and saw a message from Patton.

Dad: Hey, Kiddo. You've been gone for hours. Are you okay?

Virgil: Yeah, I'm alright.

Dad: You're at his grave again, aren't you.

Virgil: Yeah...

Dad: Okay. Dinner will be ready in about a half-hour. Please be back by then.

Virgil: I will be.

Virgil sighed a little, putting his phone in his pocket.

"He's just concerned about you," Roman said.

"I know," Virgil said. "They don't know that I can actually talk to you. They think I just sit out here for hours. They probably think I'm going crazy."

Roman chuckled a little.

"I should probably start heading back," Virgil mumbled.

"Alright," Roman said. He left a cold ghost kiss on Virgil's forehead. "I love you."

"I love you, too," Virgil said. He got up as Roman's ghost turned into a light swirl, then disappeared. Virgil started his walk back to the house. 

(341 words.) 

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