So Close

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"You fuckers don't know about my knife stick. It's a knife taped to a stick and it's the ultimate weapon," Remus said.

Logan, not looking up from his book, said, "That's a spear."


Roman rolled his eyes, trying to focus on the Disney show/movie (whichever you want) on the TV. Remus and an unamused Logan had an argument over 'knife stick' or 'spear'. (definitely knife stick)

After a few minutes, Virgil came downstairs, with his headphones on. He sat down on the arm of the opposite of the couch from Roman and went on his phone. Out of the corner of his eye, Roman admired Virgil.

'He's so adorable!' Roman thought. 'I wanna just kiss those plump lips of his. I wish I could wake up next to him every day, cuddle him every night.' Roman sighed softly, turning his attention back to what he had been watching.

Roman's mind started wandering and he started daydreaming about dates he could plan to go on with Virgil. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he was bumped into and heard a hiss. He looked next to him. Virgil was sitting there, his back basically touching Roman's arm, looking at Remus who was standing by where Virgil had previously been sitting. Remus was holding a spray bottle and was giggling creepily as Virgil hissed at him.

That's when Roman noticed that Virgil's bangs and face were wet. Remus sprayed at Virgil again. "Remus. Cut it out," Roman said.

Remus just looked from Roman to Virgil a few times, smirked, then sprayed Virgil a few more times. Virgil moved back and fell onto Roman's lap, almost sitting on his lap.

"Remus!" Roman said somewhat loudly. Remus quickly sunk out. It wasn't till after Remus left that Roman and Virgil realized the position they were in. Both of them blushed a bright red, though from Virgil's was somewhat covered by his makeup.

After a second, Virgil hoped off Roman's lap onto the couch next to him. "S-sorry," Virgil squeaked.

"I-it's-" Roman cut himself off, clearing his throat. "It's okay." He wouldn't admit it, but he actually really liked having Virgil on his lap. He liked having him close.

Neither of them were looking at each other, just looking off, avoiding eye contact. Both of their faces were still inflamed in a blush.

Roman glanced over to Virgil, who was fidgeting with his sweater paws. Roman found this extremely adorable. "...adorable..." Roman breathed out quietly and subconsciously.

Virgil blushed more having heard what Roman said. He looked over at Roman. They looked into each other's eyes for a few minutes. Virgil looked back to his sweater paws. Roman reached his hand out and touched Virgil's cheek/chin, making said anxious bean look at him. Roman smiled at Virgil softly and kindly.

The two looked at each other for a while longer. Their eyes flicked from the other's eyes to their lips and back up a few times. They both started leaning forward. Their lips were 10 inches apart... 9 inches... 8 inches... 7 inches... 5 inches... 3 inches... 2 inches... 1 inch... 2 centimeters... 1 centimeter...

"Kiddos, I'm home!" Patton yelled as he walked in the front door.

The two sides, whose lips only were less than half a centimeter apart, quickly pulled away from each other. Virgil basically jumped across the couch. Both of them cleared their throats awkwardly, Virgil turned on his phone and Roman looked at the TV, acting as if they weren't about to kiss.

'So close,' Roman thought. 

(589 words.) 

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