...this is a lot like a one-shot I wrote in my first one-shot book...

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Au- human, high school, non-binary!Remy,

(btw this is me stealing from myself)

Virgil woke up to the sound of his alarm. 'Time to get ready to go to hell- I mean school,' he thought, turning off the alarm.

He got up to get ready for school. He put on a pair of black ripped jeans and a purple shirt. He went over to the desk, grabbing his makeup. Virgil looked into the mirror hanging on the wall, he put his foundation on, then his eyeshadow.

He grabbed his black backpack, putting his homework and pencil case inside before zipping up his bag. He signed, putting on his oversized black jacket with purple plaid patches over his shirt. He ran a hand through his black and purple hair sighing again. He had only gotten an hour of sleep and didn't want to go to hell- I mean school.

He could hear noise from downstairs meaning his siblings were awake. 'Great,' Virgil thought. It's not that he didn't like his siblings, it was just it's too early. There was Remy, Liz, and the triplets Quinn, Ocean, and Ari. Remy was the oldest of all of them (18), then Virgil (16), then Liz (14), then the triplets (10). Virgil and Remy had their own apartment, but their parents went on a week-long business trip, so the two were watching their younger siblings.

Virgil left his room and went downstairs. He went right to the kitchen to make coffee only to find out they were out. He groaned.

"Yeah, I know," Remy said. "We'll stop at Starbucks on the way to school."

Virgil nodded.

"If you don't give me back my lipstick Right Now! I'll shave your head!" came a yell from the other room. Liz.

Virgil looked at the table to see Ocean and Ari at the table. He walked to the other room to see Quin and Liz fighting over a thing of lipstick. "Quin, give Liz her lipstick back," he yawned.

"Fine!" With a huff, Quin gave back the lipstick.


"I'm gonna ride my skateboard to school," Virgil said. "Can you get me a coffee?"

"Yeah. See you at school," Remy said.

"See ya," Virgil grabbed his backpack and skateboard, heading out the door.


When he got to school, he opened the school door to see the hallways were basically empty. He looked at the hallway clock and saw he had 5 minutes before class started, and his class was on the other side of the school.

He groaned, knowing he had to get to his class, which was a 7-minute walk, in less than 5 minutes. He ran down the hall hoping no teacher would see and stop him. He forgot his parent's house was farther from the school than his and Remy's apartment.

Virgil turns a corner, running into someone falling back. "S-sorry," he says looking up at who he knocked into. He saw a cute boy with blonde hair, beautiful green eyes, and a cute smile looking down at him.

Virgil recognizes him to be his friend Remus's twin brother. He had only met Remus's brother a few times, but they never talked. Virgil blushes as the cute guy offers him a hand. Did I mention Virgil's gay? Like really gay.

"Don't worry about it, I wasn't watching where I was going," Roman said, helping Virgil up. Virgil was at least a head shorter than the person.

"T-thanks," Virgil tells the guy.

Virgil grabs his backpack off the floor as the bell rings, groaning in announcing. He was going to get another tardy, meaning he was most likely going to get detention. At the same time, Roman curses under his breath and runs his hand through his hair.

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