Sleepy Virgil

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"You look tired," Roman said, pulling Virgil onto his lap. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"Yeah," Virgil said, suppressing a yawn. "I got a solid 8 minutes."


"Not consecutively, but it's still there."


"It's fine," Virgil said. "You're not that blurry."

"Virgil, my beautiful princess, you need to sleep," Roman said softly, rubbing Virgil's back with one hand, the other one holding his face.

"...I'm not beautiful..." Virgil mumbled.

"Oh, but you are, my dark prince!" Roman said, standing up, holding Virgil. Virgil wrapped his arms around Roman's neck and his legs around his waist. "You are the most beautiful, adorable, anxious, little bean ever!" (straight -gay- up facts!) 

"Nuuu!" Virgil whined into Roman's shoulder. Roman kept rubbing Virgil's back comfortingly as he walked to his room. Roman chuckled softly as Virgil yawned into his shoulder.

"Get some sleep, my sleepy prince," Roman whispered soothingly. He hummed a Disney song lulling Virgil to sleep. He laid down on his bed with the tiny man in his arms. Virgil soon fell asleep, Roman holding him close, keeping him safe. Roman eventually fell asleep as well. 

(188 words.) 

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