The Beginning

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(QnA info in the A/N at the end) 

Warning- may be a little angsty 

"You love me, don't you," Roman said.

"Don't ask me that," Virgil said. His arms were wrapped around himself. His fight or flight instinct was starting to kick in and he was ready to run.

"Just admit I'm right," Roman said, with a slight eye roll. "I see the way you look at me when you think I'm not looking."

"Fine! I'm in love with you and that scares me half to death," Virgil said, somewhat angry well, more agitated than angry, but still. The sudden outburst startled and somewhat shocked Roman. "I shouldn't be in love with you," Virgil whispered, stepping back.

Virgil ran for the door but was stopped as Roman grabbed his hand. Roman pulled his close, connecting their lips. After a moment of shock, Virgil kissed back. They pulled apart for breath, resting their foreheads together.

"You didn't let me tell you how I felt," Roman said, checking his breath. "I love you, too, you Emo of Angst."

In response, Virgil pulled Roman down and kissed him, this time only for a few seconds.

Roman smiled down at Virgil. "Virgil, will you be my boyfriend?"

"What will the others think?" Virgil said worriedly.

"I don't care what they think, it doesn't mean shit," Roman said. "I love and nothing's going to change that. So, I ask again, Virgil, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Y-yes, Roman, I'll be your boyfriend," Virgil said, blushing.

Roman's smile brightened. "Good. That means I can do this," he said then kissed Virgil again. The kiss was filled with passion and love. 

(274 words.) 

I'm doing a QnA. You can ask questions to all the sides, me, and even characters from my other books. You just have to specify. You can ask all, some, or non questions. I'm looking forward when your questions! 

(315 words.) 

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