"Hey, Little Kitten," 2

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Roman stringed a feather in front of Virgil, who played with it. He had been having a long day, but was glad to be home with his kitten, well technical he's not a kitten anymore, but he's a small cat. He smiled remembering all the times Virgil helped cheer him up.


11-year-old Roman and Remus got home from school. Roman was fighting back tears as he made his way to his room. A kid was bullying him at school, and he had a bad day. He got to his room and closed the door as tears fell from his eyes. He flopped onto his bed, cuddling into a soft red blanket that had a gold crown on the center of it.

There was a lightweight added to the bed as a tiny kitten, Virgil, crawled over to Roman. "Merow?" the kitten meows questioningly, swatting some tears off Roman's face.

"Hi, Virge," Roman mumbled into his blanket, petting Virgil's head softly. Virgil snuggled his way in between Roman's arms.


"I'm fine..." Roman muttered as more and more tears fell.

"Meoww," Virgil swatted more tears away from Roman's face.

"It's just the bully again," Roman sighed, wiping his eyes.

"Meow," Virgil meowed kindly.

Roman mumbled, almost incoherently, about stuff the bully said and did as Virgil listened attentively.

"Meew meow moow."

"I love you, too, Virgil," Roman said. Virgil purred in response. Roman hugged Virgil close, getting sleepy. The two eventually fell asleep.

This happened almost every time Roman had a bad day at school.


12-year-old Roman ran into his room and sat on his bed, after closing the door. He and Remus had gotten into a fight. He threw his pillow on the ground, scaring Virgil. Virgil jumped then crawled over to Roman's bed.

"Moow?" Virgil meows loudly, gaining Roman's attention. Virgil rubbed against Roman's leg. Roman picked Virgil up, setting him on his lap. "Merow?"

"Remus and I got into another fight," Roman muttered. Virgil nuzzled against him, purring a little. "You're right. We're brothers and brothers fight sometimes. Everything will work out in the end."

"Meow," Virgil nodded.

"Thanks, Virge," Roman smiled, scratching Virgil's ears, making him purr loudly.


14-year-old Roman ran into his room, slamming his door behind him, collapsing on his bed, bursting into tears. Virgil jumped onto the bed and crawled over to Roman, meowing worriedly.

Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil holding him close, still crying.

"Meew?" Virgil meows timidly in question.

"I told him I like him and he called me a freak and told everyone and- and everyone kept taunting me and calling me the f slur, and- and-" Roman sobbed. Virgil curled into him, purring a little to try and help Roman calm down. Roman incoherently sobbed about everything that happened at school.

"Meew," Virgil meows timidly when Roman stopped trying to speak. He nuzzled and cuddled into Roman. His soft purrs and meows slowly calming Roman. Eventually, Roman's cries turned into hiccups. "Merow?"

"I'm okay now, Kitten," Roman said, wiping his face and rubbing his eyes.

"Meow meow meow?"

"That's a good idea, Kitten!" Roman perked up. Virgil purred loudly at the praise.

Roman talked to Remus about what happened. Remus had heard some of what happened already and was actually about to go talk to Roman. When Roman told Remus about everything, Remus made sure no one would mess with his brother ever again.


It was Roman's 17th birthday. He had been so happy and excited all day... well... that was until he got a text from his boyfriend. The smile instantly disappeared when he read the message, he dropped his phone onto the kitchen table. He had been eating lunch with his mom and Remus when he got the text. Tears fell from his eyes as he raced out of the room to his bedroom.

He closed his bedroom door and slid down it to the floor. Instantly Virgil was there, fighting his way in between Roman's arms. "Merow?"

"He- he broke up with me..." Roman sobbed, hugging Virgil close.

"Meow..." Virgil meows sadly, nuzzling Roman, trying to cheer him up.

"He broke up with me on my birthday, over text!" Roman said frustratedly.

Roman stood up, setting Virgil on the ground next to him. He sat on his bed, cuddling into his soft red blanket, and cried into it. Virgil jumped up onto the bed, cuddling up to Roman. The two spent a while there until there was a knock on the door.

"It's unlocked," Roman mumbled. The door opened revealing Remus. Remus walked over.

"I saw the text," Remus said softly, sitting on Roman's bed, next to him. "He's an asshole! What a pathetic little bitch, breaking up with you over text! On your birthday! I'll make sure he regrets this," Remus was seething with anger, his voice getting louder as he spoke.

Roman sat up and hugged Remus, who hugged back. This wasn't a normal thing for the two of them, but it felt right at the moment. "You're the best, Remus!" Roman said. He pulled away and added, "You don't have to do that for me."

"Hey, no one hurts with my brother and gets away with it!"

"Meow!" Virgil meows in agreement, jumping on Roman's lap, nuzzling into him. The brothers chuckled at the tiny cat. Roman wiped off his face. 

(892 words.) 

Sorry if this was a bit angsty at all. I was feeling kinda sad while writing this. This actually helped a bit. It wasn't a vent or anything, but I just enjoy writing. I hope y'all are doing great and having the best day! Y'all are special in your own way and don't let anyone make you think differently!!! If you read all of this you get a cookie and a second cookie 🍪🍪. 

(968 words.) 

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