V+R <3

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Patton knocked on Virgil's door. After a second, he heard movement and the door cracked open. Once Virgil saw it was only Patton, he opened the door farther

"Oh, hey, Patton," Virgil said.

"Hey, Kiddo!" Patton said. "Can I come in? I wanted to ask you something."

"You just did," Virgil smirked. "But yeah, come on in." He let Patton into the room, closing the door behind him. The two sat down.

"So Kiddo. I was wondering... do you like Roman?"

"W-what... no..." Virgil said unconvincingly.

"Then why did I see you writing 'V+R' in hearts, in your notebook this morning?" Patton raised his eyebrow.

"Uhhh... that stands for violence and revenge...?" Virgil said though it sounded more like a question.



"Kiddo, you can tell me anything."

"Ugh, fiiiine," Virgil muttered. "I might a little bit like him..."

Patton squealed. "I know it!!"

(144 words.)

I'm not sure how much I'll be posting for the next like month. As mentioned I'm going on a trip with my GF for 3 weeks (leaving this coming Friday). So this week I'll be packing the last of what I need and getting ready.

My GF and I have talked about working together on stories (like the second-gen thing) but have no promises.

You can still send in requests if you want and I'll see what I can do. I'll either do them during my free time or when I get back. I'm running out of ideas and close-ish to this book being 200 chapters, but I want to keep making these (a 3rd book). Maybe this trip will give me inspiration? Idk.

Anygay, thank you all for the support and love. I love you all. Y'all are amazing and wonderful just the way you are!

 Y'all are amazing and wonderful just the way you are!

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(297 words.)

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