Scavenger Hunt

138 8 5

Request from @MalorieLynn14

Roman and Virgil have been dating for a while, and Roman always does nice things for Virgil. Virgil wanted to do something in return. He set up a game for Roman. It was a scavenger hunt.

Roman walked into his room and turned on his lights. He walked over to his desk, setting down the script he was working on. He noticed something taped to his full-body mirror. He grabbed the paper.

'Hello Roman,

Let's play a game. I've left clues to my location. Follow them, and you'll find me and get a prize. Alright? Okay, clue one...

Useful Nature Danger Estime Robot, Pure Imposter Late Locate Observation Whisper

Good luck, Ro-Ro.'

Roman thought for a few minutes, confused. They're just random words. After a few minutes of thinking, he figured it out. 'Under pillow'. He went over to his bed, and looked under his pillow, and found another note. He smiled bigger.

'So you figured it out. Time for the next clue...

Out, left, right, forward, right, left.

Good luck, Princey.'

Roman was confused until he figured out that it was directions. He left his room, went left. When he came to a cross in the hall he turned right. He kept walking straight (gay) when he came to the next cross in the hall, then turned right at the next, then left. At the end of the dead-end was a table with a note. He picked up the note.


~some clues later~

Roman grabbed another note.

'You've found the last note. Good job. Now the last clue...

Trees, grass, flowers, and a hill.'

Roman instantly knew where to go. He headed out to the imagination. He walked through a path in the wood to his and Virgil's spot. It was on a small grassy hill that was also covered in flowers. He got to the top of the hill and saw Virgil sitting there on a picnic blanket with a picnic basket.

"Took you long enough," Virgil said.

Roman rolled his eyes a little and smiled at Virgil. He sat with Virgil. "This is amazing, Virgil. Thank you," Roman said and kissed Virgil's cheek. Virgil smiled back.

"I'm glad you like it, Ro," Virgil said.

The two ate the food, watched the sunset, cuddled under the stars. They enjoyed their time together and had a good night. 

(391 words. I hope you liked it. I tried.) 

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