Engagement announcement

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Roman and Virgil were engaged, but still haven't told anyone. That's what they planned to do today. That's why they called everyone into Thomas's living room.

Roman cleared his throat, "so you guys," he gestured to the others, "are probably wondering why we," he guested to Virgil and himself, "called you all here."

"Yes," Logan said. "I was working on some things, and would like to get back to it as soon as possible."

"Right, okay."

Roman looked at Virgil, they nodded to each other and signed. "We're engaged," they said at the same time.

*insert overly excited Patton*

While Patton freaked out with excitement, everyone else said their congratulations and stuff like that.

Once calmed down, Patton sunk down out to his room, pulled out a stack of binders from his closet, rose up back in the living room, and dropped the binders on the coffee table with a thud. The now engaged couple looked at Patton with curiosity.

"I have some ideas," Patton said, looking at the binders.

"Some?" Virgil said.

"Patton?" Roman questioned.

"Hm?" Patton hummed, looking at Roman.

"How long have you been thinking of ideas about Virgil and I's wedding?"

"Since day one." (Alya when she sees how Mari looks at Adrian.)

"You've been planning our wedding since we started dating?" Virgil clarified.

"No," Patton shook his head. "Since the first day of you joining the light side," Patton said casually as he looked through the binders. 

(242 words.) 

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