Internal Dilemma

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Warning- some Virgil angst

Virgil was lost in thought as he walked through the halls.

He turned a corner, bumping into some.

They both fell, Virgil under whoever he bumped into.

He looked up.

Roman and Virgil's lips were barely an inch apart.

They were so close.

Virgil could see the golden flecks in Roman's emerald eyes.

Blood pounded in his ears.

He wanted to run.

There was no way they could ever be together, no matter what he wanted.

He was from the Dark Side, one of the places Roman despised.

He'd never truly fit in, never be accepted.

But Virgil loves Roman. 

(100 words. If you have questions for the QnA, get them in today! I'm planning to post the QnA tomorrow.) 

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