Patton's Cookie Cafe

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(over 900 words.) 

"Hello, Sir. How can I help you?" Virgil, the worker of Patton's Cookie Cafe, asked. Those were the first words exchanged between them.

"Hi. Can I get a grande latte in a venti cup, 20-pump vanilla, 20-pump hazelnut, almond milk, 190 degrees, add whip, extra chocolate drizzle, and extra caramel drizzle.," Roman said, not even looking up from his phone.

"Uh, yeah. Can you repeat that?" Virgil asked nervously.

Roman scoffed, finally looking up from his phone at the purple-haired man across the counter. "I said, a grande latte in a venti cup, 20-pump vanilla, 20-pump hazelnut, almond milk, 190 degrees, add whip, extra chocolate drizzle, and extra caramel drizzle. What didn't you understand about that?"

"It's just a complicated order, and I don't want to get it wrong," Virgil muttered. "Sorry."


"Anything else?"

"No. Just the drink."

"Alright. Name?"


Virgil nodded. "That brings your total to $5.87." Roman paid for his drink. "Your drink will be right up." Roman walked off to find a set. Virgil finished the drink. "Order for Roman." Roman walked over and grabbed the drink then went back to his seat.

Virgil rolled his eyes a little. He smirked, though. Instead of writing 'Roman' on the cup, he wrote 'Ramen', as a way to get back at the guy for the complicated order.

Patton, the owner and Virgil's best friend (and roommate), came out from the back with a fresh tray of cookies. "Hey, Kiddo," Patton greeted.

"Hey, Patt," Virgil said, as he started to clean the stuff he used for the past few coffee orders.

"How's it going out here?" Patton asked, after setting the now empty cookie tray down.

"Good. Not too busy right now."

"That's good. Thanks for helping me out the past few weeks."

"Of course, Patton. You help me all the time. You even pay for all the rent. It's the least I can do."

"Yeah, but as soon as I get some more workers I won't need you to work up here. I know you'd rather work in the back."

"I'm happy to help you. Yeah, I would rather not have to talk to people, but I'll live for now."

Patton giggles.


Roman was having a rough day. He was an actor, and he had an addition today. Let's just say it didn't do very well. He decided to go to his friend's new cafe bakery.

He walked up to the counter while texting his agent.

"Hello, Sir. How can I help you?" the worker asked.

"Hi. Can I get a grande latte in a venti cup, 20-pump vanilla, 20-pump hazelnut, almond milk, 190 degrees, add whip, extra chocolate drizzle, and extra caramel drizzle," Roman said, still looking on his phone.

"Uh, yeah. Can you repeat that?" Virgil asked anxiously.

Roman scoffed, he was very done with this day. He looked up from his phone, turning it off, at the purple-haired man. "I said, a grande latte in a venti cup, 20-pump vanilla, 20-pump hazelnut, almond milk, 190 degrees, add whip, extra chocolate drizzle, and extra caramel drizzle. What didn't you understand about that?" He raised his eyebrow.

"It's just a complicated order, and I don't want to get it wrong," Virgil muttered. "Sorry."

"Whatever," Roman sighed.

"Anything else?"

"No. Just the drink."

"Alright. Name?"


Virgil nodded. "That brings your total to $5.87."

Roman pulled out his outfits from his pocket and paid for his drink.

"Your drink will be right up."

Roman walked off to find a seat. He went back to texting his agent. "Order for Roman." He heard and stood up. He walked over and grabbed the drink then went back to his seat.

He looked at his cup and saw it said 'Ramen' instead of 'Roman'. He looked up and over to the counter to see the worker had a small smirk on his face. He just rolled his eyes.

Roman texted some people, mostly about work, drinking his coffee. He heard voices and looked up to see his friend Patton talking to the worker. He couldn't fully make out what they were talking about. Something about working he guessed.


Patton looked around the cafe. "Roman?" he said, seeing his friend.

Roman looked up at the mention of his name. "Patton," he greeted. He got up and walked over to the counter. "How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you Kiddo?"

"I'm... good. Had a long day, though," Roman sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"We all have those days sometimes. It'll get better!"

Roman nodded. "You're probably right." He sipped his drink.

Virgil walked over, looking at his phone. "Hey, Patt. Remy was wondering if they could borrow your car. They need to go do some errands and their car's tires are flat."

"Sure, Kiddo. Just have them bring the car back before closing," Patton said. Virgil nodded, typed some stuff on his phone before putting it in his pocket.

"Rem would have used Em's car, but he's out of town for some kind of therapy thing. Anygay- *clears throat* Anyway, since it's my break, I'm going to go down to Hot Topic. I'll be back soon."

"Alright, Kiddo. Don't spend all your money."

Virgil laughed a little. "It's tempting, but I won't." Virgil went to leave, just noticing Roman. "Hey, Ramen," Virgil smirked.

"It's Roman," Roman said.

"I know," Virgil shrugged. He then walked away.

Patton looked at Roman, raising his eyebrow. Roman shrugged, showing Patton the side of his cup. Patton giggled knowingly.

"What?" Roman asked.

"He put the wrong name because your order is kinda complicated," Patton said.

Roman shrugged. "He got it right, though." 

(951 words.) 

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