Generated Stories (Limited Demo of InferKit) 2

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Prompt 1- Roman and Virgil's lips were barely an inch apart.

Story 1-

Roman and Virgil's lips were barely an inch apart.

Mouths so close she could see the green flecks in his hazel eyes.

Blood pounded in her ears.

She wanted to run.

There was no way they could ever be together, though, no matter what she wanted.

She was from Virginia, one of the places Roman hated.

She'd never fit in, never be accepted.

But Virgil would love her, she just knew it.

The way she'd loved Luke.

He was two years younger than she was.

They'd been best friends their entire lives.

Her heart was in a million pieces.

Not even

Story 2-

Roman and Virgil's lips were barely an inch apart.

They both felt the pulsing beat of the other's heart and knew what the other was feeling.

They breathed the same air.

They laughed, the kind of laugh that comes when you are completely and totally unaware of the world around you.

It was a laugh that said everything and nothing at the same time.

It was the kind of laugh that only women get to make.

It was then and there, in the narrow alleyway of Rome, that they kissed.

Every part of their bodies were so alive.

Roman pulled away.


Prompt 2- Roman looked into Virgil's eyes, and Virgil looked into Roman's.

Story 3-

Roman looked into Virgil's eyes, and Virgil looked into Roman's.

There was a peaceful look to it, a seriousness born of both circumstance and knowledge that something here, had to be done.

Neither of them was going to waste this opportunity.

Roman sat down in the kitchen chair and let go of Virgil.

It's a good thing they only had the one knife.

Roman noted how well the knife matched the ones Virgil was usually handed when making a purchase.

Roman had spent enough time watching these people to know that there was a part of them that would give up

Story 4-

Roman looked into Virgil's eyes, and Virgil looked into Roman's.

Roman was fascinated by his eyes.

They were dark and deep, yet there was an intensity to them that made them utterly alluring.

They were big and dark brown, and the tips of the irises were the palest green that he had ever seen.

He gazed back into those pale green eyes and then reached out to touch Virgil's cheek.

Virgil leaned toward him and their lips met. 

(382 words. I thought I posted this yesterday, but apparently not.) 

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