Turned Into Children For 24 Hours

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(over 600 words) 

Roman and Virgil were walking through the woods. They were heading back because it was getting dark when they came across a dragon witch. Roman started fighting the dragon witch. The dragon witch ceased a spell on them as she got away. Her spell turned Roman and Virgil into young kids. Good thing her spells only lasted 24 hours.

Roman was about 6 and Virgil was about 5. They knew who each other were and still had most of their memoirs; they just had more childish mindsets and were tiny little children.

"Virdle?" Roman said.

"Yeah, Wroman?" Virgil said.

"How we goin get back?"

"I dono," Virgil said. He started to get nervous and felt like he was about to start to cry. "It getting dark. I'm a wittle scawed."

"Hey, It's okay, Virgil," Roman hugged Virgil. "We will find our way back." He looked around thinking. "I think we go that way," he pointed down a path. "Come on."

"Okay," Virgil said. Roman took his hand and led him down the path.


The two made it to the house. They tried opening the door but couldn't get it open. Virgil sat in the grass with a huff. Roman knocked on the door. After a minute or so, the door opened. Patton looked out and saw the younger versions of Roman and Virgil.

"Kiddos? What happened?" Patton asked.

"Dragon witch," they answered.

Patton nodded. "Come on, Kiddos. It's time for dinner."

Roman pulled Virgil up and they went inside.

"What happened to Roman and Virgil?" Logan asked.

"Dwagon witch," Virgil said. He walked over to the table and tried getting on his chair. After a minute of trying, he gave up and plopped down on the ground, with another huff. Patton came over to him, picked him up, and set him on the chair. His head barely above the table. Roman, who was taller, didn't have as much of a problem as Virgil.

Paton grabbed a throw pillow from the living room and came back. He took Virgil off the chair, put the pillow down, then put Virgil back on the chair. The pillow helped a little.

"You're so tiny," Roman giggled.

"Shut up," Virgil huffed, crossing his arms.

"Kiddos, be nice," Patton said.


After they all eat, they want into the living room to watch a movie. About halfway through the movie, both Roman and Virgil started getting antsy. Roman was kicking his legs and Virgil was bouncy. Within a few minutes, Roman and Virgil were jumping on the couch, much to Logan's dismay. It seemed the longer they were like this the more childlike they got/the more they acted like the age they were turned into.

After a while, they tired themselves out and fell asleep. They were cuddling on the couch. Patton laid a blanket over the two.


It was now the next morning. Roman and Virgil were still about 6 and 5 they would be until later that evening. Speaking of the two of them, they were dancing/jumping/running around the living room, while Patton made breakfast.

"Kiddos, pancakes," Patton pecked his head into the living room.

"Pancakes!" Roman and Virgil ran into the kitchen. Everyone else came into the kitchen as well. Someone helped Virgil onto his chair. Patton gave everyone a plate of pancakes, helping Roman and Virgil pour some syrup on their pancakes. The two, now children sides, happily ate their pancakes.


Roman and Virgil were sitting on the couch. The two had been jumping on it, but to get them to stop Logan said he would read to them, which is what was happening. Roman and Virgil sat listening to Logan reading. Eventually, they fell asleep.


Roman and Virgil were watching a movie while Logan and Patton cooked dinner.

Some time between starting the movie and Patton calling them for dinner they turned back into their adult selves. 

(653 words.) 

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