"What are they doing?"

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Roman and Remus were both screaming. Patton came into the living room having heard the screaming. He saw Virgil, who had on noise-cancelling headphones. He walked over to him and tapped on his headphones. Virgil pulled off his headphones and looked at Patton.

"Yes, Pat?" Virgil asked.

"What are they doing?" Patton asked worriedly, pointing at the still screaming twins.

"Asserting their dominance," Virgil said. Virgil pulled out another pair of noise-cancelling headphones. "Here," he handed them to Patton. "This is probably going to be going on for a while."

"Thanks, Kiddo," Patton put on his headphones as Virgil put his back on. Patton went into the kitchen and started making cookies.


It was hours later and the twins finally stopped screaming. Roman started a Disney movie, then sat on the couch next to Virgil, pulling him on his lap. Virgil took off his noise-cancelling headphones.

"Finally," Virgil muttered, with a small giggle. Roman chuckled a little, kissing Virgil's cheek. 

(161 words.) 

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