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Questions from @Virgil-Sister-Jinx24 -

Questions for "...you cheated!"

1. Did Virgil forgive Roman?

Eventually. It took a long time, but eventually Roman regained Virgil's trust.

2. Are they still together?

Virgil broke up with Roman, but after Roman regained Virgil's trust for a while they ended up getting back together.

3. If not, do they stay friends?

They were kinda friends while they were broken up. It took Virgil a bit to be able to hang out with Roman just the two of them.

Questions for "I know," ... "I'm supposed to be dead. Well, technically I am dead,"

1. Has Roman turned Virgil into a Vampire?

Not yet?

2. Has Roman Killed Virgil's parents yet?

Yes. While Virgil was asleep he went out and killed his parents. He doesn't know that though. Roman also killed Virgil's ex.

3. Will you make a part 3 to this? I really really liked the first 2!

I'm not sure. I haven't really had any ideas for part 3. If you have any ideas for it let me know, and I will try to make a part 3. No promises though.

Questions for "Ice cream or Felony"

1. Will you ever do that Felony?

Virgil and Remus have committed a felony together while all the others were making a video. It's what they were doing during the drama that is SvS Redux.

Questions from @PicklesOfNervousness -

Patton: May I have a hug again? I really need one at the moment.

Of course, Kiddo! *hugs*

Also, what's the max. Amount of cookies you've ever eaten??

Don't tell Logan, but I've eaten *thinks* 6..? cookies in one eating.

Logan: Who do you personally think the least knowledgeable side is?

The twins.

Roman: What musicals do you like? (top 5?)

How do you expect me to choose out of my babies?!?! That's the same as asking me to choose one Disney movie.

Virgil: If you saw a cat in the street, lonely and afraid, would you steal It??

Yes. I would replace Roman with a cat.

Janus: I haven't got a question, just a statement. You look amazing in your dress. Thank you for listening.

Thank you 'not'.

Remus: Will you help me hide a body??

Of course. No questions asked?

Yandere Roman: Do you think Virgil has caught onto you yet?

No. And if you tell him or even talk to him I will kill you!

Virgil from that au^: What do you think Roman does when he... goes out??

Well, he says he's going to work. I trust him. He wouldn't do anything to hurt me.


... thank you...? (doesn't know how to take a compliment)

I love and appreciate you and your existence as well!!!

Question from @maruchan_paint -

Roman: Did you met a Karen? If your answer is yes, what happened?

Yes, I have met a Karen. I almost cut her face off with my sword. 

(508 words.) 

Thank you for the questions! I hope you liked the answers. If anyone has more questions you can always comment them, and I'll make another QnA. 

(537 words.) 

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