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Virgil was bored. His phone was dead and his charger was broken. He would buy a new one but the last time he went to the store he enchanted a Karen and had a panic attack. He'd just have to wait until Patton and Logan get back from Janus and Remus's place, aka the dark side, and ask Patton to pick him up one.

Virgil was wandering the halls, trying to think of something to do. What he didn't know was that Roman was also bored and doing the same thing.

Virgil then turned a corner and bumped into someone. Before he could hit the ground, whoever it was caught him.

"Sorry, Virgil. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, Roman," Virgil said, adjusting his hoodie. "I'm sorry, too. Wasn't really paying attention."

"Me neither," Roman said, with his shining smiles (or as Virgil likes to think 'the best smiles that ever existed'). "So, um, what are you doing?"

"Nothing," Virgil shrugged a little. "Just wondering. You?"

"Same. I'm bored so I decided to just walk around a bit."


Awkward silence.

Roman cleared his throat. "So... so you want to watch a movie?"

"Uh, sure."


Roman and Virgil walked into Roman's room. He had a couch in his room as well as a bigger TV. Virgil sat on the couch while Roman got the remote.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Roman asked.

"I don't know. You can pick," Virgil shrugged. He was too nervous to suggest a movie. He didn't want to suggest something Roman might not like.

"You sure, V?"


"Alright," Roman said, then started looking through some movies.

"Hey, can I maybe use your charger?" Virgil asked shyly. "Remus broke mine."

Roman looked at him with a soft smile. "Sure. Give me your phone and I'll put it on my charger."

"Uh, thanks," Virgil said, handing his phone to Roman.

"No problem."


"These movies are so cliche," Virgil muttered, eating a handful of popcorn.

Roman chuckled. "I said you could pick, but you didn't want to."

Virgil rolled his eyes and threw a piece of popcorn at Roman's head.

"Hey! What was that for?"

Virgil shrugged.


The two ended up watching more than just one movie. During their 3rd or 4th movie, Virgil fell asleep. Roman didn't notice until he felt a slight weight on his shoulder. He looked down and saw Virgil was asleep, which he found adorable.


The next day, Patton and Logan got back, and Patton went upstairs to let his kiddos know they were back. He knocked lightly on Roman's door as he opened it. He walked in and saw Roman and Virgil sleep-cuddling on Roman's couch. He held back his squeaks as he took a few pictures. He tiptoed out of the room and back downstairs. 

(467 words.) 

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