He wanted cookies

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Roman and Virgil were in the mindspace alone. Roman was in the kitchen looking for something to eat. Virgil walked in. He grabbed a chair and brought it over to the cupboard. He stood on the chair and opened a high cupboard.

"What are you doing?" Roman asked as Virgil took a locked box out of the cupboard.

"I want a cookie," Virgil answered, stepping off the chair, putting the box on the counter.

"How do you plan to get into Logan's locked box?" Roman asked. Logan kept the locked box with the cookies in it, so Patton (and Virgil) couldn't eat all the cookies.

Virgil didn't answer Roman. He just pulled a bobby pin out of his pocket and picked the lock on the box with ease.

"You know how to pick locks, and this is how you're using the skill?"

"I want cookies," Virgil shrugged. He pulled out a bag of cookies, taking a few cookies out before putting the bag of cookies back in the box. He relocked the lock on the box and out the locked box back.

"How do you know how to pick locks?"

"Remus and Janus taught me," Virgil answered with a shrug. 

(200 words. When Virgil wants cookies, there is no stopping him!) 

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