A college au thing I don't know what to call

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Au- human, college,

Warning- ingery 

Roman got out of class early; he went to his boyfriend, Virgil's class. He knew Virgil's class ended before his and that he liked to get extra practice in until Roman's class was done. Roman was in school for acting and singing. Virgil was in school for dance and art.

Roman walked up to the door of the dance department and looked into the window. He saw Virgil practicing the latest choreography. Virgil landed wrong and fell. Roman opened the door and walked in.

"Hello, my Princess," Roman greeted.

Virgil looked up at Roman. "Hello, my Prince," Virgil said. "Did your class end early?"

"Yeah. The teacher had to leave for something," Roman explained. "Are you ready to head back to the apartment?"

"Yeah," Virgil said. He stood up with Roman's help.

As the two walked to Roman's car he noticed that Virgil was limping a little.

"Are you okay, Love?"


"Are you alright? You're limping."

"Uh, yeah. My ankle is just a little sore."


"How long have you been covering this?" Roman asked.

"I'm fine, Ro," Virgil said, putting his sock on.

"You are not fine!"

Virgil went to stand up, but Roman stopped him. "Roman, I'm fine. It's not that bad."

"Not that bad? Have you looked at it?" Roman said. "Virgil, I am not letting you walk on your ankle. I'll grab you some ice for it. Stay here."


"Stay here."


A few minutes later, Roman came back into the room with an ice pack. He took Virgil's sock off revealing his bruise and bandage covered ankle/foot. Virgil had self wrapped it. Roman held the ice pack to Virgil's ankle.

"How long?" Roman asked again.

"...over a week..." Virgil mumbled.

"A week!"

"I didn't want to be an inconvenience, and It's not that bad."

"Virgil," Roman said. He put his hand on Virgil's face to make him look at him. "If you're hurt you have to tell me. You can't just keep using your hurt ankle."


"It's okay, just tell me next time. Okay?"


"I love you, my Lovely Princess."

"I love you, too, my Prince." 

(359 words.) 

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