part 2 of the last part

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(over 1200 words.) 

Virgil woke up without opening his eyes. He whined at the pain of his head. A hangover. He felt warm and comfortable other than his splitting headache. He then felt movement under him. 'Huh?' he thought. He finally opened his eyes, blushing at what he saw. 'Roman!' He squeaked, jumped back, and fell to the ground, with an "Oof."

Roman opened his eyes, rubbing them. He looked down and saw Virgil on the ground. Virgil looked up with a light blush. "S-sorry!" they both said at the same time. They both laughed a little.

"Finally you motherfuckers are awake," someone said, walking into the room. Virgil and Roman looked over where the voice came from, it was Remus. "Janus, Patton, Logan, Remy, and Emile are here. In the kitchen. Patton and Emile are making breakfast." Remus informed them, before turning around and going back to the kitchen.

Roman got up and helped Virgil up. The two went into the kitchen. Logan and Janus were discussing a book at the table. Patton and Emile were cooking. Remus and Remy were talking. Remy looked over and walked over, handing Virgil a small cup.

"Here, it'll help," Remy said with a small wink, knowing that Virgil would be at least a little hungover. (btw I'm not old enough to drink so I don't hangovers are)

"Thanks?" Virgil said, unsure. "What is it?"

"Just drink it," Remy said. "It'll help with your hangover."

"Hangover?!?!" Patton said. He turned over towards them and crossed his arms. "You were drinking?!"

Virgil winced a little at how loud Patton was talking. "Patton..." Virgil whined.

Remy put his arm around VIrigl's shoulder. "We'll be right back," he said. He guided Virgil to the bathroom.

"What...?" Virgil asked.

"Drink what's in the cup," Remy prompted. "It should make you throw up and make you feel better." (I've seen this in a lot of shows/movies)

"What's in it?" Virgil asked, raising his eyebrow.

"You don't want to know. Just drink it."

After a second of hesitation, Virgil drank the substance in the cup. Almost instantly he put up the toilet seat and threw up.

Remy and Virgil walked back from the bathroom. "Kiddos, sit down and we'll get you both a plate," Patton smiled at them. Virgil sat next to Roman. Remy grabbed two coffees, handing one to Virgil.


All of the friends were hanging out in the living room of Roman and Remus's house. Patton made a few jokes, getting laughs, giggles, chuckles, and disapproving head shakes from the others. They were all smiling, whether it was a small smile or a big grin.

While they were chatting, Virgil's phone buzzed/rang for at least the 5th time in the past hour. He pulled it out of his pocket. When he saw the name his smile left his face. He got up and went to the other room to answer the call.

"You okay, V?" Roman asked when Virgil stood up.

"Yeah," Virgil said. He held up his phone that was still ringing. "Just got to take this."

"Okay," Roman nodded.

Virgil walked into the other room. By this point, the ringing stopped. He called her back. His girlfriends 🙄. She answered right away.

"Babyyyyyyy," she whined on the other end of the phone. "Where did you gooooo! You just disappeared last night-a!"

Virgil rolled his eyes. "It was a lot, and I couldn't find you..." he mumbled. If he broke up with her his parents would kick him out, because 'they have a reputation to uphold' 🙄. They were a pretty well-known family. His parent would rather kick their son out of the family than have a gay son. All of Virgil's friends knew about his situation and do what they can to help him out.

"I'm sorry babyyy! I didn't mean to leave you for so looong!" she whined. "Where did you go, though? Where are you babyyy? I miss yooouuuu!!"

"I walked to the coffee shop down the street from the party, where my cousin Remy works. I got a ride to a nearby friend's house for the night," Virgil sighed.

"Who's house?"

"Roman and Remus's."

"Are you still there?" she asked in an irritated voice.

"Uh, yeah..." Virgil muttered. "Some of our friend group showed up this morning and we've been hanging out."

"Well I want to see you!!!!" she whined. "I'm coming there! See you soooooon!" Before Virgil could say anything she hung up. Virgil sighed, putting his phone in his pocket, running his hand through his hair. He took a breath then walked back to the living room.

"You okay, Kiddo?" Patton asked, noticing Virgil walk back in with a not so happy look on his face.

"She invited herself over," Virgil muttered.


"Courtney," Virgil sighed. There were a few groans and annoyed noises. (It was a random name. Sorry if you have the same name.)


Courtney showed up and has been there for about 20 minutes. She was holding onto Virgil's arm and at his side the whole time. Everyone but the bit- *couch couch* the lovely lady could tell Virgil was very uncomfortable. Roman was seething at this point. He was about ready to kill this bitch.

Virgil needed a second away from Courtney and said, "I need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back." He pulled his arm out of Courtney's arms. She whined a little.

"Hurry back babyy," she said. Virgil just shot her a smile, that to everyone but Courtney was obviously fake. Virgil walked out of the room and towards the bathroom.

After a minute, Roman got up and started walking the same way Virgil did.

"Where are you going?" Courtney asked in a snotty voice. Roman ignored her and kept walking. He walked down the hallway and waited outside the bathroom door so he could talk to Virgil. The bathroom was in a spot where you couldn't see it from the living room.

Virgil came out of the bathroom and jumped a little not expecting to see Roman.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Roman said.

"It's fine," Virgil said.

"Do you want me to tell her to leave?" Roman asked. "It's Remus and I's house I can kick her out."

"She'll just get mad, and make me take her side on it," Virgil signed.

"You don't like her at all. You should break up with her."

"You know I can't do that," Virgil signed. "My parents will kick me out. I don't have money for a place to stay."

"Virgil," Roman went to say something but hesitated a second. "Virgil, I like you- no I love you. If your parents kick you out you can stay here for as long as you need. I want you to be happy."

Virgil was stunted. He started blushing. "D-do you really l-love me?" Virgil stuttered out.

"Yes," Roman said. "I do. I have for so long."

"I-I feel t-the same," Virgil stuttered. Roman smiles at him. He kissed his forehead and put his hands on Virgil's cheeks.

"I love you so much. Break up with her and if you need to stay here you can," Roman said, looking into Virgil's eyes.

Virgil nodded. "Okay. Yes."


Virgil and Roman were cuddling up on one of the couches, the other couples also cuddled up. Courtney was nowhere to be seen.

About an hour ago, Virgil broke up with Courtney. She was reluctant to leave, and when she did leave she was pissed. Roman asked Virgil to be his boyfriend and he said yes. Patton and Emile squealed. Since then all of the friends were hanging out, watching movies, and having fun together. 

(1280 words. I hope this part two was good. I wasn't planning to make this, so I wasn't sure what to do. Sorry if it was a bit rambly or whatever.) 

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