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Warning- some angst?

Btw, I wrote the poems in this. It was my first real attempt at poetry. I hope they are good. Please no hate. I do take constructive criticism (Idk if that's spelled right). 

(around 800 words) 

Virgil was in his room. He went to grab his journal from under his mattress, but when he pulled it out it wasn't his. It was Roman's red journal. Virgil didn't know who it belonged to until he opened it to the first page. Roman's name was written on the back of the front cover. He was going to just close it and return it to Roman, but he saw there was a poem on the first page. He was intrigued and decided to read them.

Roman's poems~

1- This Is Me

'This is me

Who I am

This is me

True as can be

This is me

If you're true to me

I'm true to you

This is me

Flaws and all

This is me

True and true

This is me

Who are you?'

2- Fallen Hero

'I thought I was his hero

But I guess I'm just a zero

I've hit a new low

I look out the window as the tears flow

Was I ever his hero?'

3- Ego

'My ego is bruised

Am I really that shallow?

The tears are overflowing

I guess I'll be going solo from now on

All because of my ego'


Roman went to grab his journal, from its hidden spot on his bookshelf. Though, when he pulled it out, he was met with a purple journal. He had an idea of who's it was. His suspicions were proved correct when he started to undo the cover. It was Virgil's. Being curious, he opened it the rest of the way and started reading.

Virgil's poem~

1- Disorder


That's what they call me

A disorder

Maybe I should have never gone across the border

There I was normal

Here I'm a freak

A disorder'

2- Help me


It's who I am

No one understands me

My mind is full of horror

I'm losing my sanity

I can't handle the looks of pity

My thoughts won't set me free

I wish I was more lucky

Instead, I fall to my knees

I can't breath

Help me'

3- Keeping Busy

'My mind is racing

I need to keep busy

My thoughts are full of corruption

I do task after task

Keeping myself from going crazy

Blacking out my thoughts

My headphones on

Blaring music very loudly

I don't want to hear my thoughts

All they bring is fear

That's why I keep busy'


The two left their rooms to go to the others. They were both holding back tears. They bumped into each other, their rooms being right next to each other.

When they realized who they bumped into each other, they hugged each other. They both started saying things about always being there for each other and things like that.

When they realized they had been rambling to each other they laughed a little.

"I know I shouldn't have read your poems, and I'm sorry," Virgil said.

Roman chuckled a little. "I'll let it slide since I read yours, too."

Virgil laughed a little.

"You know I'm sorry about all the things that happened in the past, right?" Roman asked.

"Yeah," Virgil nodded.

"You can always talk to me, too," Roman said.

"Thanks, Ro," Virgil said.

"Kiddos, dinner," Patton yelled from downstairs.

The two were about to make their way down when Virgil stopped Roman. "Wait, Roman."

"Yeah, Virgil?" Roman turned to him.

"Um, can you not mention the poem stuff to the others?" Virgil asked nervously. Roman nodded.

"Of course, Virgil."



It was late now. Virgil woke up from a bad dream, crying. After getting his breathing under control, he slowly made his way out of his room. He knocked on Roman's door.

After a minute, the door opened. A sleepy Roman looked down at Virgil. "Virgil? It's like 2 in the morning," he said. His voice was husky, having just woken up. That's when he noticed the tears in Virgil's eyes and on his face. "Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"I-I had a bad dream..." Virgil mumbled, shyly. "Can I stay with you for the rest of the night?"

Roman's face softened, into a small smile. "Of course, Virgil." He let Virgil into his room. The two sat on Roman's bed. "Do you want to talk about it?" Roman asked, breaking the silence. Virgil shook his head. "Okay. We should get some sleep then." Virgil nodded, and the two laid down.

The two laid close to each other. Virgil curled into Roman's side, in response Roman put his arms around Virgil.

Right before falling asleep, Virgil yawned, and mumbled, "you're my hero, Ro." Roman smiled and fell asleep as well. 

(811 words. This probably sucked...) 

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