Creepy crawly death dealers

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A scream was heard. Roman ran downstairs at the source of the scream. It was Patton, who was standing on the kitchen table.

"What happened?!" Roman asked.

"Huge spider!" Patton scratched, pointing in the direction of where he saw the spider.

"Oh, okay. I'll deal with it," Roman said, walking over to where Patton pointed. "Holy Hephaestus, that's a huge spider!"

The spider moves less than an inch causing both Patton and Roman to scream. Roman jumped onto a chair, summoning his sword, pointing it at the spider.

"What's with all the screaming?" a voice from the doorway asked.

"Spider!" Patton scratched.

The source of the voice walked closer and picked up the spider, bringing it to the window. The spider crawled off the voice, now known to be Virgil's, hand and out the window. After closing the windows, Virgil turned to the other two.

"He just crawled in last night to get out of the rain," Virgil explained. "He meant no harm."

Patton and Roman were now off the table and chair. "Well thank you, my Dark Prince," Roman said, hugging Virgil, then kissing his head.

"Yeah. Yeah, you big wuss," Virgil snickered. 

(194 words.) 

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