Roman to the rescue!

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Au- human, babysitting, high school?

A little kid pulled on each of Virgil's arms, as he questioned all of his life decisions.

"I want to go to the zoo!" one yelled. A little boy.

"I want to go to the aquarium!" the other yelled. A little girl.





"Guys, stop pulling on me!" Virgil interrupted the back and forth yelling of the 6 and 7-year-old. It felt like they were going to dislocate both of his shoulders.

You might be wondering how he got into the situation. Well, let's see...

~last week~

"Virgil, you're 17," His mother started.

"Get a job!" His father yelled, taking a swig of his beer.

"W-where? I don't have any skills..." Virgil mumbled.

"A friend of mine has a 7-year-old little boy and a 6-year-old little girl," his mother said. "She needs a weekend babysitter. I told her you'd do it."

"W-what?!" Virgil said. "I-i don't know how to take care of kids!"

"Too bad!" his father yelled, making him flinch.

~the day after that~

Virgil was at lunch, his head in his arms, on the table.

"What's wrong, Kiddo?" his friend Patton asked, sitting down. His other friends Logan and Roman also sat down.

"I have to babysit two little brats on my weekends now," Virgil muttered, not lifting his head.

"That can be fun!" Patton said in his always so positive way. Virgil ground a little, lifting his head. He gave Patton a 'don't' look. "Oh, come on, Kiddo! I watch my little siblings almost every day after school."

"Yeah, but I don't know how to deal with kids! I've also never met them... you know how I am with new people..."

"Yeah," Roman cut in. "It took you like all of kindergarten to get used to us. Well, technically them. You know me and Remus in preschool."

"Well, Kiddo, if you need anything you can always call one of us. Patton added.

"Thanks, Patt," Virgil sighed.

~back to present time~

"Can we pweeeeease go to the aquarium?" the little girl asked with cute puppy eyes.

"No!" the boy whines. "The zoo! Please!!!"

"Guys, your mom only left enough for us to go so one thing. We can't do both." Virgil said. Both the kids started having temper tantrums. 'Do 6 and 7-year-olds usually have temper tantrums?' Virgil thought. He was also close to a small panic attack.

"Okay! You're going to watch something on TV while I do something really quick," he turned on some PBS Kids and went to the kitchen before the kids could say anything. He could see them from the kitchen, but they couldn't see him from where they sat on the couch.

Virgil grabbed his phone from his pocket. The first number he found was Patton's so that's who he called. After a few rings, Patton picked up.

"Hey, Kiddo."

"H-hey Patton. I need help! The kids' mom left me money to take them to go do something fun, but they can't agree on what to do and keep arguing. I don't know what to do!" Virgil whispered.

"Okay, Kiddo. I'm a little busy, but I know just the right person to send over to help you! Send me the address and I'll take care of the rest!"

"Thank you, Patton!"

"Of course, Kiddo!"


Virgil was leaning on the wall watching the kids watch TV. Suddenly the doorbell rang. He opened the door to see a smiling Roman.


"Patton said you needed help with 'the kiddos' as he put it," Roman said, using finger quotes.

Virgil smiled a little. "Thanks, Roman."


The kids' mom got back and paid Virgil. Roman went out the side door, so she didn't see him. Not that she would have minded, but Virgil didn't want to get in trouble for having a friend there.

The two teens walked down the sidewalk together. For a while, they were just in comfortable silence, until Virgil broke it.

"Thank you, again, Roman," He said.

"Of course, Virgil. Anytime," Roman smiled at the smaller.

"Uh, here," Virgil held out 15 dollars to Roman, who gave him a confused look. "For your help, you should get at least half the money."

"Keep the money, Virgil. I don't need it."


"No buts!"

"Fine..." Virgil muttered. "But! Next time you come to my rescue and I offer you money, you have to take it."

"But, Virgil-"

"No buts!"

Roman chucked. "Okay fine." 

(750 words. I wrote this while watching my little cousins. Decided to use my creativity and some of my internalized frustration to write something. Hope you liked this!) 

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