"I know," ... "I'm supposed to be dead. Well, technically I am dead," 2

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Roman laid on the bed, Virgil was asleep laying on him. The two had grown very close; they weren't exactly dating, but they acted like it.

Roman ran his fingers through the smaller's hair breathing in the delicious scent, his pupils dilating. Virgil's blood smelled better than any other blood he had smelled before. He hadn't drunk any of Virgil's blood, yet, but he knew it would taste better than any and all other blood. No matter how bad he wanted to drink Virgil's blood he didn't want to hurt him or make him do something he didn't want to do/make him feel like he had to do something he didn't want to do.

Roman snapped out of his trance when Virgil shifted a little. Virgil yawned and looked at him, rubbing his eyes. "How was your nap, Lovely?" he asked.

"Good," Virgil yawned. He sat up and lent into Roman, putting his head on Roman's shoulder. Roman breathed in to be met with Virgil's scent stronger now that he was closer and awake, his pupils dilated even more. Virgil looked up at his face. "You okay, Ro?" he asked.

"I'm fine, Lovely," Roman reassured him with a light smile. "Just a little... hungry."


"Don't worry, Lovely," Roman put his hand on Virgil's cheek. "Remus is coming by at some point today with more blood bags and more food for you."

"Okay," Virgil said.


It was later that day. Virgil made a sandwich, then made his way to the living room, where Roman was and sat next to him. The two watch a movie.

After about an hour Roman got a message. It was from Remus he couldn't make it until tomorrow.

"Is something wrong, Ro?" Virgil asked.

"Remus can't make it until tomorrow," Roman said.

"Oh," Virgil said.

"Don't worry, Lovely. I'll be fine."

"Are you sure? You haven't 'eaten' in a long time-"

"I'm fine, Stormcloud," Roman said. "I might not feel the best because of it, but I'll survive until tomorrow."



It was later and Virgil was getting ready to go to sleep. Roman was sitting on the bed writing in a notebook. Virgil came over to the bed and sat down, he was wearing a pair of shorts and one of Roman's shirts. Roman looked at Virgil, who yawned a little.

"Tired, Stormcloud?" Roman asked.

"Yeah," Virgil responded. He leaned onto Roman, putting his head on his shoulder, closing his eyes. Roman's pupils dilated a little and he bit his lip. Virgil looked up at Roman. "You okay, Ro?" he asked softly.

Roman blinked. "Yeah." He brushed his fingers through Virgil's hair, and he breathed in the scent again. "...you smell good..." he mumbled subconsciously, breathing the scent again.

Virgil blushed at the comment. The scent of his blood grew stronger as the blood rushed to his face, causing Roman's pupils to dilate more. "O-o-oh."

"Hmm," Roman hummed, breathing the delicious scent and running his fingers through Virgil's hair. He occasionally and accidentally pulled on Virgil's hair.

Virgil didn't move, but his heart beated a little faster. He wasn't necessarily scared, just kinda nervous. Roman had noticed the thump of Virgil's heart getting louder.

"I won't hurt you, Stormcloud," Roman murmured. His eyes were closed as he kept breathing in Virgil's scent. He linked a few times then pulled back. "Sorry," he muttered.

"I-it's okay," Virgil stuttered. "Y-you can drink s-some of my blood i-i-if you need."

"I don't want to hurt," Roman said. "Your blood smells better than any other blood I've smelled. I'm afraid I might not be able to control myself."

"... I trust you..."


"I trust you, Roman," Virgil said.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?"


"Okay," Roman said.

Roman slowly leaned down and brought his mouth to Virgil's neck. He breathed in Virgil's scent before his fangs sank into said person's neck. Virgil squeaked a little at the feeling of his fangs piercing his skin.

Roman hummed as he drank the best blood he has ever tasted. One of his hands was lightly pulling on Virgil's hair, pulling his head to the side for better axes to his neck. His other arm was wrapped around Virgil, holding him close and in place. Virgil let out a few soft moans.

After a few minutes, Roman pulled away. He licked the bit mark, licking away some blood. He let go of Virgil's hair and loosened his grip on him.

"Are you okay?" Roman asked softly.

"Yeah," Virgil said. "Are you good?"


Virgil yawned.

"Get some sleep, Stormcloud," Roman said, brushing his fingers through Virgil's hair. "It's late, and you might feel a bit drained from me taking some of your blood."

"Yeah," Virgil nodded. "Night, Ro."

"Good night, Lovely."

Virgil yawned and laid down. He fell asleep after a few minutes. He substantially curled up close to Roman. 

(813 words. This is probably going to be the last part of this au unless y'all really want me to make another part, or I have an idea for it.) 

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