Untitled Part 37

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Prompt from- @PicklesOfNervousness

Au- high school,

Warning- drinking, one-sided dating/forced dating, more? 

(over 700 words) 

Virgil was reluctant to go to a party with his 'girlfriend'. He was gay, but his parents made him date this girl. She was not Virgil's type in any way. First of all, she was a girl and he liked guys. Second, she was a b!tch. Third, she was a bully and made Virgil do things he wasn't comfortable with. It was a one-sided relationship.

Virgil was standing in the corner away from all the loud people. His girlfriend was supposedly getting another drink, and talking with her friends. Virgil siped on his alcoholic beverage.

After about 15-20 minutes, Virgil had drunk a few alcoholic beverages. He noticed he hadn't seen his 'girlfriend' in a long time. She was the only person he knows there. He looked around the room to see if he could see her. When he did he saw she was making out with some guy that he recognized, that was on the football team.

Virgil, who was a bit drunk, made his way to the door to leave, not having it and not wanting to have to talk about it. He got outside and down the street to a 24/7 coffee shop. He sat in a seat in the back corner. He laid his head in his arms, trying to think of what to do. He didn't want to go home, he didn't want to go back to the party. He didn't have a car, so he would have to walk and he was a little too drunk for that.

After a few minutes, one of the workers came over to Virgil and tapped on his shoulder. Virgil looked up and recognized the person as his cousin, Remy.

"Virgil?" Remy asked. "Are you okay?"

Virgil nodded and put his head back on his arms. Remy sat down across from him.

"Virgil?" Remy said. Virgil looked up at him. "What's up?"

"*girl name* dragged me to a party, ditched me for a bit, then when I saw her next she was making out with *guy name*. I mean I don't like her, but really?" Virgil said, slurring his words.

"Have you been drinking?" Reny asked, knowing the answer.

"Maybe a little..."

Remys nodded with a small sigh. "Call someone to pick you up, okay? You shouldn't go home if you need to, you can go to my apartment. I'll be working all night or I would bring you there myself."

Virgil nodded and pulled out his phone. "It's dead. Can I use yours?"

"Sure," Remy handed Virgil his phone. Someone walked into the coffee shop. "I'll be right back." Remy got up and went to the counter.

Virgil typed the first number he could think of. He dialed the number and hit call, bringing the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" said the voice on the other end of the phone.


"Virgil? Are you okay? Are you drunk? It's like midnight," Roman said worriedly from the other side of the phone.

"Can you please come and get me?"

"Yeah. Where are you? What's up?"

"I'm at *coffee shop*," Virgil said.

"I'll be there soon."


Roman walked into the coffee shop. Remy saw him and nodded him to the back corner. Roman looked over and saw Virgil. Roman nodded in response and went over to Virgil.

"Virgil?" Roman said.

Virgil looked up at Roman. "Thanks for comin an picking me up, Ro," Virgil slides.

"Are you drunk?"

"Maybe a lile."


"Okay, do you have a place I should bring you?" Roman asked.

"Remy said I could go to his apartment, but I really don't care. I just don't want to go home..." Virgil mumbled.

"I can bring you to my house if you want. Remus is the only other person there. We were watching movies. You could join us."


Roman smiled. He, and all their friends, know about Virgil being gay and being forced into dating this bit- *couch couch* I mean lovely lady. Roman has had a crush on Virgil since forever. Virgil has had a crush on Roman forever too. They don't know each other like the other. The others know though.


Roman, Virgil, and Remus were watching movies. Virgil leaned on Roman. Ro wrapped his arm around Virgil.

The two eventually fell asleep and ended up cuddling in their sleep. Remus fell asleep on the other couch after taking pictures of the two sleep-cuddling and sending them on the group chat with all of their friends, including (but not limited to) Remy, Emile, Patton, Logan, Janus, and Thomas. 

(771 words. I hope y'all liked this!) 

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