Chapter 1

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⬆️⬆️⬆️ this there house btw but you can imagine their house however you want.⬆️⬆️⬆️

❗️Btw all of the family live on like private land so there's like 5 houses so just imagine all the house are all similar.❗️

Enjoy the first chapter loves😏

6 Years Later

Amara's Pov

I woke up from my dream of a princess and her unicorn bestfriend eating lots and lots of ice cream. It was a very fun dream if you ask me, I turned my head to the right side of me where my twin was fast asleep next to me, with a hand protectively over my waist.

I giggled because he was drooling all of his hand that was supporting his face.

Although Angelo had his own bedroom, he always had to sleep in the same bed as Amara otherwise he couldn't fall asleep.

I lightly poked his cheek, earning a groan back but him eventually opening his eyes.

'twinny why up so early?' he said to me tiredly and shutting his eyes again.

'lolo wake up come onnnnn' i said back to him, wanting him to wake up.

Amara got nothing back in return except from a soft snore, so she gently pulled Angelo's arm of off her and crawled out of the bed, being careful not to wake up her twin.

I quietly walk towards my bedroom door, twisted the handle and walked out, towards coco's room (Domenico) that was next to mine, knowing that he was still asleep.

Domenico, the 13 year old, was peacefully sleeping when suddenly he felt something on top of him. He swiftly woke up and was ready for one of his brothers to punch him but meeting his principessa' face.

He was quickly put at ease and pulled her under the covers to cuddle with her, a thing they do very often, Amara snuggled into the crook of his neck.

The little girl was slowly falling back to sleep when her oldest brother started tickling her making her giggle.

'little one why are you waking me up so early'
Domenico said to his baby sister, sitting up with her on his lap.

'because i want to coco, is there a problem with that?' Amara sassed back to him, putting her hands on her hips and looking into his eyes.

'your going to be the death of me one day Mara, your so much like mama' Domenico muttered, used to her behavior by now.

Amara was very sassy and had an attitude like her mother and a mouth like her father, which ALWAYS got her into trouble, but she always sweet talked her way out of it, of course her family couldn't get her into any trouble when she was pouting and doing her signature puppy eyes.

'okay baby, why don't you go and wake up este hm'

Amara nodded and climbed off her brother, while he followed and went to wake up the oldest twins but in return he got a kick in the head from Xander which wasn't new and a screaming Xavier asking for food which also wasn't new.

The little princess slowly strolled to her other big brothers room and barged in like she owned the place.

Esteban had awoken a few minutes earlier and was sitting up, waiting for his little sister to walk in his bedroom.

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