Chapter 36

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Amara's POV

After me greeting everyone, and them hugging me we all sat down. I made my way over to the 2 girls sitting in the corner.

'God my fucking feet hurt'
I said, sitting down next to one of the girls and taking off my Jordans.

'Girl i feel you'
The one sitting next to me explained, laughing slightly. She wore a black graphic t-shirt and blue denim jeans matched with a pair of white Jordan's.

 She wore a black graphic t-shirt and blue denim jeans matched with a pair of white Jordan's

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(⬆️ What she wore)

'I'm Amara by the way'
I laughed, making bout of the girls look at each over and smirk.

'We know precious, we hear about you non-stop'
The other girl said, who was wearing a nude colored bodysuit with black jeans.

'We know precious, we hear about you non-stop'The other girl said, who was wearing a nude colored bodysuit with black jeans

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(⬆️ What she wore)

'I'm Tiara, this is my girlfriend Brielle'
The first girl said, smiling at me. She had hazel eyes and light brown hair with tanned skin. Brielle had light blue eyes with dark blonde hair, her skin tone more on the pale side.

'Wait. Are you related to one of the boys, i'm sure i saw someone that looks like you'
I asked, looking around the room.

'Tomas. He's my twin. He's currently staring at you as if he would want to fuck you'
She explained, putting her arm around Brielle's shoulders.

'They all are, well except your family'
Brielle said, making me turn around and look at everyone. Mhm, they were right.

'Tiara? Hang onnnn'
I dragged, a memory coming back to me.

I shouted, remember her slightly.

She screamed back, making me nod my head and jump on top of her as i also pulled Brielle into the hug too.

'Sooooo, how long have you guys been together?'
I questioned, smirking.

'11 months on Monday'
Brielle replied, making me silently aww.

'That's so fucking cute'
I muttered, smiling at the 2 in front of me.

Angelo exclaimed, causing me to roll my eyes.

'Could he be any fucking louder?'
I murmured, making the 2 girls next to me snort.

'What's up bitch'
I asked, plopping myself down onto his lap and she wrapped his arms around me in a brotherly-way.

Xavier shouted out of nowhere, and grabbed a bottle.

Not when i'm at somebody else's house. That i don't know. And that i've just meet.

'I'm cool, i'm not drinking'
I said, before Emanuel could pour me a drink.

'Are you sure?'
He asked, making me nod.

'I don't want to be rude'
I muttered, i've only just met these people, there's no way i'm embarrassing myself just yet.

'Whatever you say princess'
He spoke, pouring another drink as i went towards Angelo again.

Your not drinking?'
Kyran questioned with a confused expression.

'Nope. I don't want to drink at somebody's house when i've just met them and their parents'
I explained, making him nod.

'Trust me, all of our families are like family. They love you already'
He voiced with a smile and me returning it.

After a several hours, it was now 2:35am. I had made out with Kyran, Jordan and Isaiah, one of my brothers best friends and was now in Kyran's lap.

(So Kyran, Korey, Kyrie, Theo, Isaiah, Jordan, Tomas, Tiara and Brielle are all best friends with Amara's brothers. There is more but they will be introduced soon. Idk if you guys remember but in Chapter 23 Amara met Tiara before she was kidnapped and Tomas and Tiara are the son and daughter of the Portuguese Mafia)

'Let's go upstairs'
He whispered in my ear, making me turn to him.

'Definitely not. Your drunk'
I replied, leaning my head back onto his shoulder.

'Noooo, come on. I'm fineeee'
He dragged making me shake my head still.

After a few minutes, he eventually gave up and wrapped his arms around my waist.

'Dad wants us home'
Alvaro shouted, making everyone groan.

20 minutes later, we were all back in the cars, driving home. I was driving Xander's car being as he was drunk and passed out in the passengers seat.
Angelo, Hunter, Jason, Adonis and Raul were all cuddled up on the backseat, also passed out.

Finally, we arrived home. The time now being 3am. I jumped out of the car, and opened the passenger side, lifting Xander's arm over my shoulder, waking him slightly.

He muttered.

I hummed as i opened the front door and walked through, climbing the stairs.

'I missed you, so much'
He whispered, his words slightly slurring.

'I know bub'
I replied, opening his blanket and letting him fall onto the bed.

I then reached down, taking off his trainers then his jacket, placing them in his closet.

'I love you'
I heard him mumble as i switched off the light and walked out, closing his door.

After 20 more minutes, all of the boys were finally in bed with the help of Ivano and Eliseo, seeing as they don't drink.

'Goodnight guys'
I voiced as i turned my head round the door frame of the kitchen and was faced with Ivano and Eliseo.

'Goodnight princess'
They waved me as i shot them a smile and made my way upstairs.


This is a very very short chapter but we kinda saw a soft side to Xander🙄

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