Chapter 8

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Amara's POV

As mama walked downstairs with me in her arms, we saw the others in the living room still.... doing what they were doing, me and mama looked at each over and shook our heads then continued our way to the kitchen.

'Okay baby, what should we make the boys. Cupcakes, cookies or brownies?'
Mama asked me, setting me down on the counter next to the sink while she went to the look for ingredients.

'Ummmm, mar mar and the others like cupcakes so cupcakes'
I said back to her, as i washed my hands.

'What flavor?'
She voiced.

I shouted making her laugh and shake her head.

'Okay bub'
She said putting the ingredients next to me on the counter and washing her hands.

After we finished mixing everything, mama got the cupcake liners and started adding the mixture into them. She then placed the baking tray next to me and told me to put the cupcakes onto it.

While we was doing that lio walked into the kitchen.

'Whatcha making love?'
He asked walking over to us and kissing me then leaning against the counter.

'Oreo cupcakes'
I said as i finished putting in the last cupcake and looked up at him.

'Hmmmmm sounds good'
He said, eyeing the bowl that we had the mixture in.

'No lio'
I voiced, knowing what he was going to do.

'What baby, i'm not doing nothing'
He explained, looking back at me innocently.

Ugh men.

Mama stared at me and laughed.

I guess i said that out loud.

'She gets more like you every fucking day, you know that Gabby?'
Lio said, looking away and shaking his head.

'Awww at least she isn't like her father'
She replied grinning and moving the hair out of my face making me giggle.

Lio then reached over me and dipped his finger into the bowl.

Well tried too.

Mama slapped him.

I heard the connection too, that was one hard slap.

'Aghhh jeez woman'

Mama slapped him again.

'Cut that fucking shit out Gab'
He said rubbing the back of his head.

'Get the fuck out Elio'
She said grabbing a cloth, about to hit him with it, making him run outside.

'Don't be like the men in the family when your older baby, especially your father okay?'
She voiced looking at me and with a small smile resting on her face, i hummed back.

'Princess come and play with me'
Este said poking his head round the corner of the kitchen door.

'Go on baby'
Mama spoke lifting me of the counter and kissing me on the head.

I ran towards este and held his hand tightly while he led me to the movie room.

'What are we doing este'
I questioned him as we jumped onto one of the sofas, laying back with my hand still in his.

He thought for a few seconds.

'Let's build a fort'
He said sitting up with a big smile on his face.

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