Chapter 48

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Amara's POV

'Again? Seriously?'
I asked Jayla who was standing in front of a mirror in the girls' changing room, applying a light pink lip gloss on her lips.

'Babe, there's no way i'm doing this when i curled my hair this morning. There's literally a party after school and i don't want it to be frizzy'
She explained, rolling her eyes and passing me the lip gloss, letting me do the say thing as her.

We were in our last period, the time was currently 2:05 and everyone was currently in the changing room, getting ready for Gym.

'I'm not-'
Before i could finish my sentence, Jayla turned to look at me while Zya and Ayra appeared behind.

'Yes you are. Your captain of the cheer squad now, thanks to Jazz'
Ayra voiced, grabbing my shoulders and throwing me a pair of cycling shorts and a top.

'Fuck this'
I muttered as i lifted my top over my head, luckily i put foundation on this morning so everything that was wrong with my body was hidden.

'Fuck this'I muttered as i lifted my top over my head, luckily i put foundation on this morning so everything that was wrong with my body was hidden

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(⬆️ Amara's outfit)

'Your fucking joking'
I said as i looked down. One wrong move and my tits would be singing 'Hello' by Adele, and i thought the fucking shorts were bad.

'Have you guys got like t-shirt to put over this or something'
I questioned, gesturing down to my tiddies making all of the girls smirk.

They all replied, making me roll my eyes.

'Put on one of the boys' hoodies'
Tiara said as she slapped my ass while walking by.

I murmured, making my way out of the changing rooms and to the boys.

Pushing open the door, i walked in, smirking as several naked chests came into view. Walking forward while turning around in a circle to catch a glimpse of all of them, i spotted my family in the left corner.

I slowly made my way over as i still stared at all of the boys, by now everyone's attention was now on me, either staring, whistling or smirking. Xander, Ethan, Axel, Gabriel, Kyran and Isaiah glared at me while the others smirked, as if they were cheering me on.

'What the fuck are you doing'
Xander uttered as he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side so my back was now facing everyone. Hearing even more whistles, all of my family glared at the them, signaling them to shut the fuck up.

'We have a slight issue'
I spoke, folding my arms over and then unfolding them, knowing it would just draw attention to them.

'Why didn't you text one of us then'
He grumbled as he walked towards where all of his stuff were.

I looked to my left, opposite where my family were getting changed and saw Romeo and Roman. I looked them up and down, smirking as i folded my arms, making their eyes drop for a few seconds and then fight their way back up to my face, unfortunately i did the exact same thing. I glanced towards the two of them one last time when i noticed a fading black eye on both of their right eyes and a couple of scratched and cuts dotted around on their faces. Good, i hope they fucking lost.

Xander muttered as he placed his black hoodie in my arms and pushed me slightly, in the direction of Romeo and Roman.

'Love you too'
I uttered as i glared at him and started walking again.

Walking towards the two as they were both facing the wall, their eyes still on me, i turned to the side so my front was facing their backs and slowly moved past them, slightly brushing my tiddies on their backs.

'Get out Amara'
Ethan shouted, making me start walking faster and then jog out of the room, making sure 2 certain parts of my body jiggled a little more than usual.

'So there's a game next friday, which means practice is every day after school next week'
Jazz explained as she walked next to me, hand in hand with Vanessa.

I muttered as all of the others girls came into sight.

This week a lot has changed within the cheer squad. Before i came, Jazmine was captain and Danielle (The girl Amara had a fight with) was co-captain. Unfortunately for Danielle, she's just a member of the squad now, much to her liking and Jazmine is now the co-captain. GUESS WHO THE FUCK THE NEW CHEER CAPTAIN IS.... of course it's me. Turns out the cheer coach is an absolute babe and fucking despises Danielle and her little minions, much like everyone else. Jazz had a little talk with her and persuaded her to let me be captain, obviously she had to see me dance first of course but that all happened on Tuesday.

'Okay ladies, there's a game next week on Friday. I want you girls here by 5pm at the latest being as the game starts at 6. Any questions?'
Fernanda asked or Miss Vance. First name basis y'all.

When nobody answered she gestured for all of us to do our thing, while turning on some music. After several seconds of all of us talking, the boys appeared on the pitch next to us, yes while we practice they do their thing and being as they're facing us, they can see everything.

I looked over to Axel, Gabriel and Silas, winked and smiled with them doing the same and turned around, starting the routine.

After around 35 minutes, everyone was now back in the changing rooms, getting their stuff and leaving school. Being as it was a Friday and our teachers are cool, we were allowed to go back and get our stuff 15 minutes early and leave school a bit earlier as everyone wanted to get home.

I walked out of school, looking down at my phone then glanced up quickly, spotting my brothers near Xander's car.

Running up to them, i jumped on Angelo's back, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his cheek.

'Hey twinnyyyyy'
I dragged on, grinning widely making him give me a disgusted look.

'The fuck is the matter with you?'
He said, scanning my face.

'Just in a good mood'
I replied, jumping down as he placed his arm over my shoulders and pulled me closer to him, kissing my forehead gently.


It was currently 7:55pm and i was spraying some perfume behind my neck. This party did actually start at 7 but being fashionably late was more appealing to me. All of my brothers had been rushing me since 6:30 so i just to longer, just to piss them off that little bit more.

I heard Adonis shout once again.

'Suck my dick!!!'
I screamed, before he could even say anything else.

My father shouted, knocking on my door resulting in me yelling for him to come in.

'Hi babygirl'
He said, smiling at me as if i was the most precious thing in the world to him.

'Hey papa'
I replied, standing up and hugging him.

Over these past few days, him and i have gotten very close. No i don't mean a fucking incest close or a.. weird way, i mean in like a cute father-daughter way.

'You look beautiful princess'
He muttered pulling away from me and once again smiling.

'I know dad, you haven't got to tell me'
I spoke, rolling my eyes playfully.

'Now listen. If you need anything, you call me. I don't care what you have done, what it involves or what time it is, as long as you and the others are okay'
He explained, holding my face in his hands.

'I know dad, this is the 8th time you've said this'
I voiced, holding his hands.

'Have fun princess'
He whispered, kissing my head and stroking my cheek slightly then walking out of my room.


There's another chapter coming don't worry🙄

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